Post 11: Out and About

No timer set….I am at the New Yorker Cafe. I love this place. I love coming here early on a Sunday to have a latte and a blueberry muffin.

I was feeling pretty good this morning, so I weighed myself. It said 63kg as I was adjusting….but moved the scale to a more stable spot. It said 57.2kg. That’s like 127 lbs. NO WAY. Even 63kg is happiness for me. So, I am going to continue doing what I can for exercising. Still eating at home.

Honestly, I think doing the workouts and eating right for a couple weeks, then pulling back on exercising (still walking all over the place) while still eating well (I eat a lot of Whole Foods, because I am really too lazy to cook, and my kitchen is tiny) will get me to where my body is comfortable.

OH!!!! The scale also does the internal fat, and muscle mass. It also does body age. FINALLY, I am at 40 years old! I was like 71 there for a while! WTF!!!!

When I get back to California, I am going to overhaul the apartment, especially the fridge. I can’t stand having an over-packed fridge. Seriously. I can’t see shit and I over-buy. I did not used to eat left overs, but now I do. Not sure how I changed that over.

I did a lot of cleaning up in the morning and then went to Jiyugaoka for lunch and a Flat White with two ex-coworkers. It was ….flap steak?! I do believe I read “flap”….

It was fucking delicious. All the Noms….all at once.

It was fucking delicious. All the Noms….all at once.

I did forget to write a recommendation for one person, so I did that last night. Whew!!!!

I was really proud of myself after Jiyugaoka, as I did not buy a whole shit load of stuff. I was thinking of getting a bag but did not like anything I saw, so I passed up on them. I was going to buy a coffee filter thing to make coffee not using my French press, but figured I would just get it in the US. So, I am happy my mindset is changing on that. I have had issues with “I’m not going to be able to get this back home” thing, so I buy. So, what I am doing now is saying to myself:

  • Would I use this in Japan?

    1. If no, then would you use it in the states?

    2. If yes, would you use it in the states too?

As I was heading to Tokyu Hands to check out bags, I came this movie poster at the cinema close to the station:

He’s literally an ass….

He’s literally an ass….

This is a character that is an ass. His name is Oshiri Tantei, which LITERALLY means “Butt Detective”. THIS is why I love Japan.


When I got home, I chilled on the bed to play my game: Toy Blast. Tucker came over too.


I end up getting sucking into that game….and Instagram….and Facebook. For instagram, especially, because I just collect pictures that are inspiring, and it takes away from me actually doing things, like watercoloring, or digital painting.

At around 7:30pm, I went for a run using the 10K runner, During one of the 4 min intervals, I ended up feeling REALLY good running. I found my pace. I had a nice run. I will miss being able to run in the evening. Though, in California, as long as it is lit, and I think there are less crowds, so that is good too.

I’d like to find a gym that has an indoor track I think .

Anyway, it was a really good and chill day. Got a load done. Looking forward to getting work done on Sunday!