Post 10: Lunch and Getting Projects Done

Timer Set: 30 min

I don’t really remember too much what I did in the morning other than blog and watch Day 5 of Mindset Reset from Mel Robbins.

I was supposed to go and meet up with two old coworkers for lunch. So I went over to Shinjuku and sat at Tully’s for about 2 hours. I had a project that I really needed to get done, so I just sat that and cranked it all out! I hope to have it fully done by next weekend. We are supposed to have some rainy days next week, so I can do more art. I just had to do some serious brain dump this week. Mainly about the car and Switzerland. AH! I need to check if the Europass came through. Sounds like I need to make another damn list.

I went over to the restaurant….but Google was being a little bitch, so I just asked them to meet up at this little “Love” statue.


This is the main Shinjuku Government Buildings along the way. I love these giant buildings.

Break time!

Break time!

Pretty flowers on the way in Shinjuku

Pretty flowers on the way in Shinjuku

I believe this is the area where the Beasties Boys filmed ….Intergalactic?

I believe this is the area where the Beasties Boys filmed ….Intergalactic?

On a bridge overlooking a street in Shinjuku. It’s pretty quiet.

On a bridge overlooking a street in Shinjuku. It’s pretty quiet.

That is the fashion building in the middle. It looks like it was put together with left over duct tape.

That is the fashion building in the middle. It looks like it was put together with left over duct tape.

So we ate and had a laugh. I was able to give some stuff to them that maybe could help them and I don’t need to keep it in my apartment.

I think this whole past week was about meeting up with people to give them shit. Yay.

I have noticed that Tucker has gotten a lot more cuddly lately. I am not sure if he is happy I am home or concerned. He is eating a lot more too. So I will be controlling the food intake for sure.

pero pero pero

pero pero pero

I stopped off at Tokyo Hands and got two plushies I have named “Fordham” and “Hughes”, who will travel with me this year. Named after two friends from the office that are simply wonderful friends. :)

I did try to take a nap… and as soon as I laid down, Tucker joined me and slept between my legs. perv.

Left Is “Fordham” and right is “Hughes”.

Left Is “Fordham” and right is “Hughes”.

I also finished my Meijijingu Mae/Yoyogi video and my iPhone organization video. I just want to get these out the door so I am caught up. I also created an ending video to end better, and went through Soundcloud to clean things up. That thing still baffles me. I just want to learn how to make my own music. urgh.

I have been getting some emails in on possible work and feeling a little bit of FOMO, since it would be easier to get a job in Japan while being here. On top of that, I have been starting to get emails in on the preparation for leaving. So, that is solidifying it more. :(

In any case, I don’t want to be using my sunny days to take calls and meet up with people (though I do enjoy meeting up with people!!!!). I want to use those days to go on day trips. If I meet with folks, then I can’t leave in the morning and come back in the evening…I have to hang about waiting to meet up. I don’t mind it now and again, but only on the sunny days? In any case, next week, I do have some calls on the only sunny day, but that is in the morning. I will likely go to Kawagoe. :)

Ok. I think that’s it. I will do my Day 6 of Mel Robbins’ Mindset Reset!