Post 9: Nice Day, Think I'll Check Out a Cafe

Timer set: 30 min.

Yesterday, I talked with my mom for a bit over an hour. I left to go to Jiyugaoka and find a coffee place called Onibus Coffee. I think I ended up going to one that was not on Cafetyo’s instagram. Because the inside was tiny, and I was really looking for a place to chill and do some work.

Anyway, the trains were not packed and it was a good day to go. I tried filming some, but it was really windy, so I do not know if the video is good or not. I shall see. I at least got some pretty good images.

Let me show you around!

This is Jiyugaoka Station. You’ll exit here to go to an awesome cafe called Latte Graphic. I am taking the picture from the street you would turn down.

This is Jiyugaoka Station. You’ll exit here to go to an awesome cafe called Latte Graphic. I am taking the picture from the street you would turn down.

This is Latte Graphic. You go up the stairs right where that lady is next to.

This is Latte Graphic. You go up the stairs right where that lady is next to.

Using GoogleMaps, I walked about 10 min away. The store front faces the train tracks and is really close to Okusawa station.

Using GoogleMaps, I walked about 10 min away. The store front faces the train tracks and is really close to Okusawa station.

I got my coffee and it was really good. I did not need to add any sugar at all! It was small on the inside, and the people were super nice and sweet. A bunch of Americans must visit there, as I saw US dollars in the tip jar.

I got my coffee and it was really good. I did not need to add any sugar at all! It was small on the inside, and the people were super nice and sweet. A bunch of Americans must visit there, as I saw US dollars in the tip jar.

I just thought this was cool on the side of the wall.

I just thought this was cool on the side of the wall.

As I was heading back to Jiyugaoka Station, I came across this shrine. It had little chubby lanterns.

As I was heading back to Jiyugaoka Station, I came across this shrine. It had little chubby lanterns.

This is where you wash your hands before going up to the Shrine itself. The way I was told (which I have no idea if it is universal) is you take water from the center or the spout with the cup provided. Pour some on your left hand, switch hands, pou…

This is where you wash your hands before going up to the Shrine itself. The way I was told (which I have no idea if it is universal) is you take water from the center or the spout with the cup provided. Pour some on your left hand, switch hands, pour on your right, then switch again and pour on your left. Some folks will drink a very small amount and spit out in the little moat around.

This is the Shrine. I went up, rang the bell, gave money, bowed x2, clapped x2, prayed, bowed, and left. You do not film at the top there when you do this.

This is the Shrine. I went up, rang the bell, gave money, bowed x2, clapped x2, prayed, bowed, and left. You do not film at the top there when you do this.

Here are a bunch of billboard ads that I saw. Just thought it was interesting. :)

Here are a bunch of billboard ads that I saw. Just thought it was interesting. :)

Had a little rest in the little middle divide of the street that is similar to Crocker Park in Ohio. Loved the little (or in this case, Monster Tulip) hanging out in the daisy bucket.

Had a little rest in the little middle divide of the street that is similar to Crocker Park in Ohio. Loved the little (or in this case, Monster Tulip) hanging out in the daisy bucket.

I ended up taking a train that overshot Nishi Waseda, and went to Ikebukuro. I decided to just walk home from there. Got my 10,000 steps in or sure today! Woo Wee!

Saw this building and thought it was neat.

Saw this building and thought it was neat.

For the rest of the day, I ended up cleaning up my loose leaf paper and putting them into notebooks, and going to the gym. I did some of the 10K Training and feel really good.

Other than that I did get someone from a nice company reaching out. It was a pretty killer job, but possibly out of my domain due to Japanese skill needed. I have been feeling a little bit of tension on going back to the States as some decent opportunities seem to be presenting themselves. But at this point, I made a promise to myself to make sure my heart is in it, and that I am honest. So, I replied saying that I 1.) actually love that company, because I use the product ALL THE TIME. and 2.) I do currently have plans to go back to the States. and 3.) My Japanese is not native level. I have a Japanese last name due to my husband. A lot of folks see my last name and assume I am Japanese or of Japanese decent. But, alas, I am not.

If he comes back with a, “We don’t care about the Japanese, let’s see if you like it”….I will go in. But at least I am honest, and I was kind about it. Apparently, someone I wrote a recommendation for applied there and he liked the recommendation, so he reached out to me. :)

Anyway, it was a good day and I am still trying to remain in the moment.