Post 2: Meiji Jingu - Yoyogi Park - Shibuya

Timer Set: 30 min.

I decided to head over to Meiji Jingu Shrine yesterday and check out Yoyogi Park since it is right next to it. Needless to say it was a perfect day out. Not too hot or cold, deep blue sky, and not nearly as many people out as a I had thought. Not too shabby!

I ended up buying a pair of shoes and finding another pair, but could not find my size for the life of me. I kept getting the response of “there is only one size of this kind left in the world!” Not even the Nike store had them. But do you know who did?



I also got a pretty decent rolley-bag that is soft sided, a decent size (big enough to hold my shit, small enough to not feel like a complete tourist/knob). It does have wheels and an ability to be a backpack. So I am over the moon with it.

Back to the places I went. I Used the Fukutoshin line even though the Yamanote would have been closer, because I 1. Wanted the walk. 2. Wanted to film the amount of people that is in the area on a weekday.

Not as many people as I thought, most though were tourists. It was absolutely stunning, and I have a load of pictures. I will post it in the gallery. I also video taped everything and will put that on YouTube. I am still not super comfortable speaking in public especially to a camera. I do not want to disturb the people around me and even though I do not care what people think, I do have a little voice in my head saying “they think you are narcissistic, and self-absorbed". First off, asshole, WHO THE FUCK IS “THEY”? And then I move on with my day.

I catch myself saying “Um” a lot and really learning about what I look and sound like. I definitely see where I would like to get better. It’s now about the “um”, “like”, “you know” that is over used. Then it is staying on focus with what I am talking about.

On my trip, I decided to really take a walk around Yoyogi Park. I honestly did not realize how big it actually was. I think since 20 years ago, when I was there (I’ve been there since, just not walking around the whole thing…I could only make it on the weekends, and it was too crowded for me) there is now a bike road around you take rent a bike and take your kids around. The ground is all dirt, and not much in the way of grass at all. Likely due to the park being used a lot. People did not seem to mind.

I miss grass.

There was a little garden area that was quite sweet. I took a bunch of pictures there. I want to say there was grass in that area, but I don’t remember. There were children though…..lots of them.

As I was trying to find the exit to the NHK plaza, I walked through a really beautiful Sakura “tunnel”. Basically this is a path that on either side have sakura trees that form this kind of tree-tunnel. This was where people were still having Hanami, and it was EXACTLY how I picture Hanami (flower viewing). Families having picnics under the trees, actually admiring them, and kids running around the park, playing and having fun. It’s still vacation for them. Talk about perfect timing. If you are in a company or college, your hanami looks more like sidewalk vomit in some unknown district of Tokyo comprised of Ramen or Cha-Han. Ueno is supposed to be good for Hanami. Families usually in the morning and afternoon, then businesses and college kids drunk in the evening. You will find in the mornings, some Office Lady, or the youngest member of the company or section randomly standing outside on a patch of land under a tree waiting for their team mates to arrive with the tarp to put down. Then sometimes, they just switch out and stand there until it is time for team members to arrive to the tarp you have been holding space for.

I went into Shibuya because I really wanted to have ramen (Keika Ramen), and use the bathroom. So I went into Tokyu Hands. I love that store. The bag was the only thing. I was tempted to eat at Tokyu Hands though. The top floor of Tokyu Hands Shibuya has a killer cafe. They have a Ginger-Pork sandwich that is AWESOME, and you sit in a cool area that has all these science goods like beakers and bottles, along with plants and wildlife merchandise. The atmosphere is really cool. Will definitely be going there before I leave…possibly a couple times, and not on the weekends if I can avoid it.

Speaking of Shibuya, my friend is coming in from Seattle on Sunday and I will meet her at the hotel in Shibuya. I hate Shibuya on the weekends because of the crowds of people, but it’s fine for once in a while.

Oh yeah! I also jumped on a call with my husband in the morning to make arrangements for an onsen trip in June when he arrives. I was also on a call in the evening with the people that are going to help me move. So, I will be spending some time now and again to deal with all of that good stuff. I did already put together all my shit for the Salvation Army. I have to call them to pick up the stuff. A bit of a pain in the ass, but that’s fine. It helps me really consider what I actually want in my home.

I also filmed the audio for the process video on One Note, as well as the video on how I am going through my Phone and organizing that shit. Then I taped about how I am doing my post it notes (kanban) to make sure I am getting all my stuff done.

Alright. I am finding myself incredibly hungry and I do want to try to do a run before my morning call with a recruiter, to whom I have already mentioned that I am going back to the States. At least I was registered with them before and I do not have to go to the office in Shibuya today. Whew!

Alright, off fo deal with the day, have lunch with a friend and finish this drawing shit I have been trying to finish.

Let’s not forget DJ Creep Nuts and his amazing new tracks.

Let’s not forget DJ Creep Nuts and his amazing new tracks.

Below are images from Meiji Jingu, Yoyogi, and Shibuya