Post 3: Shinjuku for Lunch

Timer Set: 30 min.

Yesterday was as windy as the Weather App told me. It was on the warm side though, which was nice.

I don’t remember too much about yesterday. I remember that I tried the “Zombies, Run” app. I am not really into horror or jump scares, ….or zombies. So, I turned off Zombie chase mode, and the script was a bit cringey for me. I can definitely see how people would like it, but it just seemed cliche. Any time they mention something or someone, they turn up later …but in the same run. It’s only a 30 min run, and a majority of it is silence (or your own music).

I did happen to find a music compilation someone made for Zombies, Run that is pretty damn good on Spotify. I will have to use that when I go running. I think I will stick to Runtastic and 10K. I prefer to run in the morning when no one is really around, but I can switch it to late mornings when I am in Japan….or when I am waiting for rush hour traffic to die out. That would be fine too. It’s all fine.

Let’s see, I had a call with a recruiter that thought I was going to go to the US for three months, then back to Japan. We were both thankful that we decided to just have a call, and I did not go all the way into Shibuya to meet. We were on the call for only about 3 min. It saddend me a little to think about coming back to Japan, because I really do love my place here.

I talked to my mum after the call. She’s the best. Because I know I have to go through a grieving phase since this is an end to an adventure. I know that I will make an adventure out of anything, but the piece of shit in the back of my head, let’s call it Rod…..Rod, here, is telling me that I will never have an adventure as grand as this in my life. I know that I will make of it what I will. So I can believe Rod, which is easier than just pushing through and realize Rod is just the melancholy soiboi of my mind. He’s about as helpful as a wet noodle….and couldn’t make his way out of a wet paper bag if he tried.

What a dummy.

Anywhoo, I then went to got see my buddy Miho. She has to close out things at the office. One hard-working mutha-fucka! I love her to bits. She needs a spa day. I’d take her, but I have tattoos. womp womp There were some really pretty sakura over in Shinjuku government building, Fureai Mall.


Clearly, this is Fureai Mall


And this is a cool fountain or collective of water with cherry blossom petals in it.


Just a cool picture I took of the same tub of water, but this time with an Anti-Leapfrog warning statue.

OH, also, in the “Shin Godzilla” movie, there is a scene at the beginning, I think from a helicopter, you can see our office building in the upper left corner. One of the first things that was told to me when I came into the office, by a guy that happened to ALSO BE FROM OHIO. Dude was from Brunswick….like 30 min away from where I grew up!

I went over to the New Yorker’s Cafe in Takadanobaba (My favorite place), and I started working on some drawings, but realized I did not have a pencil. So, I went back home and edited 2 videos. Not my favorite videos, but GODDAMMIT, I am going to learn this editing/YouTube stuff. I do want to write a book. I have two ideas that I have been fleshing out here and there. Though, I do not want to spend much time on them while I am in Japan, because I want to enjoy my time here while I can. I think on rainy days, I may do some work on them.

I ended up spending a lot of time at home, mainly doing the editing, and taping of other youtube videos. I want to edit together some of the trip around Mitaka and Kichijoji. I also need to pick some places to go next week, though it looks like it is going to rain….and another buddy is coming on Sunday. I will meet her in Shibuya after my stretching session. I will likely go home to get myself some lunch, then head over.

Oh yeah! I made hummus because Miho likes it and I am going to her place for her daughter’s birthday party. Ha…..I will post what I got her and why in tomorrow’s blog. I laughed my ass off at the idea and then when I found it, I laughed harder in the middle of a store. Normal gaijin shit.

Miho seems to live not too far away from Konan home center, so I can get cat food and see how much zaisu costs. I need to get those for taking back to the states. That and another futon and cover. The ones we have in the states is old as shit. What, like 12 years old. Gonna use the futon until we get into a house and get an actual bed.

I did have a weird dream where one of my cats woke me up standing there with his mouth open and a piece of string on his tongue. So I just pulled it out and the cat went on its way. I want to say it was Chiyo, but I can’t clearly remember. So that was basically my day.

Emma Kumakura