Post 23: Zürich

Day 3

I didn’t submit my blog yesterday since I was really a tired last night. I went into Zürich. It is a pretty big station...not super confusing in itself, but the transport outside of it to get around to all sorts of areas in Zurich, especially without google, was a bit too much. But reflecting, it was pretty chilly for my jacket and hoodie anyway. PLUS there was plenty at and around the station to look at.

The Starbucks here has an awesome vanilla latte...maybe the milk. I was also surprised to the amount of space available. Also someone brought in an adorable bulldog who was trying to crawl around and. Pretend she was much smaller than she actually was. She was CHONKY. I laughed and made eye contact with the owner.

I walked around the shopping area in the station and ended up with a pair of naive sandals. I really like them. I would get another pair, but they have elastic...and if I don’t wear them frequently, they will deteriorate and I won’t be able to wear them anyway.

I went round a park and found a lot more graffiti that I would have hoped. Was a little sad. I did find a couple things that made me smile. The first was the sheer amount of space. The second one was the sounds of the birds. It was rainy and drizzly, but I still enjoyed the time. I did pack a lunch, but did not really have. Place to eat it except on the train home. The problem was, was that my stomach hurt, because. I realized that I only had coffee throughout the day and nothing really nutritious. So I waited until I got home. I felt nauseous.

I got home and had the veggies, berries, and a cured meat that I was going to eat out. I rested, but could not fall asleep. I ended up getting up and walking around then got some stuff at Migros. I got cashew milk!! It was really good...and I realize that I have too many cashews and almonds at home that I need to do something I guess I will make my own almond milk and cashew milk until I am done with those in the apartment.

When I get back to Japan, I will make it an effort to eat up/use up every food item in the apartment.

I ended up doing a painting of one of the buildings I pass getting here. I finished it the next day (this morning). :)  I think I want to. Try a new style. I don’t have the right pens with me to do it the way I want, but I can make due. 

It’s supposed to be a rainy couple days, but I am going to get my second long leg of the trip done on Saturday: Lucerne. Sunday I am going to bum around Montreux since Sunday everything is supposed to be closed anyway. Then Monday is Bern.  




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