Post 33: Yurakucho and the Vet

I woke up a tad late today. I just really needed the sleep. I know this, because I actually do not feel groggy at all. I got a LOT of organization done. Particularly around my papers. I now have another set of papers to go through to make sure I am done.

I also have a lot of planning paper. I think the biggest thing that overwhelmed me was just the sheer amount of loose paper all over the place. So, I am using a bit of a notebook, and one note. I know that I hoard information, so I need to make sure that I spend some time each week to cull both the new things and the old things.

One way that I am going to combat the whole “hoarding pictures but never looking at them” is separating them out into events and using them as drawing practice. :)

After getting the papers organized into piles of actions (for instance, I had one pile about marathon training and notes that I wanted to consolidate into a specific notebook. Another pile was from notes on Google Keep, which needed to be organized. I finished collecting the information I needed, now I need to organize that in One Note.

After that, I decided to take a walk in Yurakucho since the weather was nice, and Tucker was still in hiding.

I don’t know why, but I did not realize that Yurakucho was in Ginza. Ginza is a fancy, up-scale shopping area. I decided to have a coffee and figure out where I wanted to walk around.

Tokyo Hands has a little shop and cafe. Really good menu, great coffee and a really nice view.

Tokyo Hands has a little shop and cafe. Really good menu, great coffee and a really nice view.

I ordered just a regular cafe latte and a creme brûlée. The Creme Brûlée is my weakness. This one was not a vanilla pudding. It was like an earl grey pudding. It was FUCKING DELICIOUS. The straw that the latte came with was in the shape of a heart. Super cute and the people there was incredibly nice. I would recommend to just pop in there for a drink and a bite to eat. Wonderful view. You just have to go through the store area. Good luck not buying anything.


I decided to try and go to this store that I kinda like (slightly cheap clothing….not the quality of the Dancing Crane in SLC) called チチカカ (Titikaka). I was looking for some cheap bracelets, but the store I went to was a smaller store than the one I usually go to. Since I had not walked around too much, I decided to go from Ginza to Tokyo Dome area by walking. I ended up walking along the Imperial Palace area where I normally run. It is interesting seeing how close these areas are together.

Below is the Imperial Palace area where I normally run.

Some of the older bookstores are so packed with books. I am enamored with this kind of packing in of items. I can’t go in….I am not particularly claustrophobic….but this can make me. Still fascinating. It actually depicts some apartments in Japan, of being jam packed with stuff!

I finally ended up (in about an hour) in the area where Tokyo Dome is at. They have a little game and amusement area. This one has a rollercoaster, Ferris wheel, carousel, and a water/log ride. I did not find the bracelets I was looking for since the store was a smaller version than the one I go to in Kichijoji.

After getting home, I tried feeding Tucker and he was just not interested. He had been hiding all day. Not even gone to the restroom. So I called the vet. He said that he would run a blood test.

So, at 6:10pm, I packed up Tucker and off we went on my bike. They put a cone on his neck, but that did fuck all. ….because they took blood from his back leg. Even before the needle got close he started to struggle. I think he saw my face and freaked out a bit….because I can’t do needles. Once they stuck the needle in….man the blood was coming out slow. They had the doctor and both nurses. This fucker hissed, knocked the cone off then started to scream.


I am sitting in here almost in tears and Tucker is SCREAMING…..looking at me in my eyes…..and SCREAMING. They get the blood….and as the Dr. tries to leave, Tucker escapes in the lab and hides behind this piece of equipment that they can’t move.

He is in there for about 20 min. A solid 20 fucking minutes, growling, hissing, and screaming.

He shits and pisses himself…..which is kinda good, because he didn’t poop for the past 3 days, so that’s a win. Eventually, she gets him in the crate after using the following:

  • Industrial gloves

  • metal rod

  • numerous towels

  • cargo net

  • cat lead and collar

Turns out all his numbers are good and the doctor said that the tooth soreness must be something new for him and he is trying to figure out how to deal with it. They gave him a steroid shot….which he was fine with. Then the doctor laughed and asked if I would be ok to try and give him a pill…..Tucker is staring at me at this point….he is not turning away…..just this stare. I said that I would definitely try.

So now, Tucker is at home, and I found a video for cats that is just birds eating seed close to a camera and he seems to be enjoying it. He thinks the squirrel that shows up is an asshole, though.