Post 5: Chatted with Some Friends

Timer Set: 30 min.

I did not set my timer yesterday, as I ended up writing a bit late and sporadic throughout the day. I ended up going to the Imperial palace to do a “run”. (Pictures on the “Images” page). More like a trot. I stopped a lot along the way and took pictures. There were a lot of police buses as the last time I was there, and it turns out they were banning runners and bikers from a certain area due to the event. I ended up being the day that the emperor “takes a walk”. There was already a like at like 8am. I just walked through that area until I reached the other side of the police officer stand.

I did not eat much, just a handful of almonds and cashews. I was actually pretty hungry. That was a major mistake. When I got home, I had a pounding headache. It was really awful. So I had a smoothie with some green powder, tofu, protein powder, almond milk, peanut butter and some strawberries. The headache did not go away.

I ended up having to go to Dr. Stretch with a headache, though I took Excedrine Migraine before going. Usually that clears it up really quick. Though I think what I had was a headache due to lack of sugar/caffeine. As soon as I went to Starbucks, everything cleared up after 5 min. I seriously do not like that feeling at all. Clearly, I have some work to do.

The lady that does my stretches loves Disney. She asked me if I was going to see Dumbo. I said, absolutely not. So she was curious, and I ask her if she had seen the cartoon. She had not. So I tried answering her question by talking about the scenes where Dumbo’s mom and him are separated, and got all teary-eyed. Then I just started in on getting to the part where Dumbo’s mom cuddles him with her trunk and sings a lullaby….but I could not even get to that part, because I started crying.

As I currently am.

I had seen a trailer that I could not skip on YouTube for Dumbo and that part was in there, I turned off the sound, but it still got me. I never made it through telling her. I think she panicked, because she kept apologizing, and I had to explain that when I cry it is usually visible for about 5 hours. Lol. I told her she should absolutely see the movie, though…and that she will know EXACTLY the point in the movie I am talking about. I know it is in there. I can’t watch Lion King either. I want to so bad, but NO FUCKING WAY. I like Disney a lot and I am sure they are going to do a BEYOND amazing job on it, but that scene where Simba is trying to wake up and cuddle with his dad….nope. I can only imaging the animators doing that scene and trying to get reference footage. Fuck me.

Let’s move on….

So I found this in the changing room of Dr. Stretch:

It say’s “しっとり (moist) Juicy Shower”

It say’s “しっとり (moist) Juicy Shower”

I then went home to wait for a friend to arrive from the states for business. My best buddy, Jana, called from California. I was telling her how I was feeling. It was really nice and made me feel pretty good about coming back to California. We talked for a good amount of time. Then I got my shit together and headed over to Shibuya to meet my other friend, Laura, at her hotel and hang out with her!

This is the West side of Shibuya Station. If you go under that bridge thing, you should be facing the giant crossing. I think. Not sure…..too many people for me.

This is the West side of Shibuya Station. If you go under that bridge thing, you should be facing the giant crossing. I think. Not sure…..too many people for me.

I’d never really been to this part of the Shibuya. It’s a bit under construction.


There were still some sakura here. When Laura and I met up, 1. It was lovely. 2. We needed coffee/tea. She drinks tea, I drink tea, life is happiness. We tried finding her office. It was about a 20 min walk, though google maps was a little bitch, combined with Shibuya having a lot of 2nd level walk ways, it was a little difficult at first to navigate.


We then went into Roppongi, because it was right there…and walked around until we found a yakiniku place that was open. Most opened at 5p, but once it was 5p, we ended up further away where all the yakiniku places open up at 6p. So then we had to back track. It was not a problem at all because we chatted the whole way. It was not anything close to awkward at all. I had an AMAZING time.

We talked about Salt Lake City, where everyone is at right now, and everything in between. I explained my feelings about not really wanting to find a job immediately, and she told me about how she took her time to find a place that she likes and feels appreciated. It was really refreshing to chat with her.

Anyway, yesterday ended VERY well, with some old drunk dude passing us saying “Welcome to Japan” and I just pointed to my friend. lol.

It was definitely a good day. Here is the gallery of images that I took on my run-trot around the Imperial Palace: