Post 7: Out with an ex-coworker

Timer set: 30 min.

Yesterday was my busy day. I went out with a colleague that was laid off with me, and we had the fuwafuwa pancakes, because she never had them before. And she has lived here for like 17 years!!!! I suppose it is the same with me and living in the Bay Area of California and never going to Alcatraz.

I ended up having the same one I had before….because it is delicious.

She had the chocolate and banana pancakes.

We then did a walk all around Inokashira-Koen in Kichijoji. There were a load of really pretty flowers and sakura that were out.



It was really nice chatting with her. There was no anger or hate to anything that happened, just hope for everyone finding a new place for work as quickly as they want or need it.

We then went to Harajuku after a good walk in the park. I wanted her to try the Poke at the Island Vintage Coffee place. They have a wicked Honey Latte too. I did not get pictures of them as they went straight into my face.

We walked around Omote-sando for a bit after that. She has a final interview today (Wednesday) and I hope the guy is really nice and that she gets the job. More so, I hope it is a good environment that gives her more opportunities that she is looking for.

For me, I ended up chatting with someone from a company that is based in the US. What they were looking for was not something that I could help with immediately. There may be something down the line, but that is like a year out. They may have someone already. THOUGH, one dude that I keep running into is now working at that place. I was so happy, because the person is a 100% true sweetheart. Our paths keep briefly crossing. He said to the guy that was talking to me that “..she’s one the funky side, don’t let that throw you.” <3

I’m funky.


In any case, I am getting better with the idea of going back home to the states. I have been doing some research on which car I would like to get (with some other options), and figuring out an ideal price for my area. That, along with finding out best negotiation tactics, without being a complete douchebag.

I also finally finished my Kichijoji video and put it on Youtube. That thing is LONG. Also, I have to practice with the DJI pocket camera. There is one more really long video I have that I need to do starting today, but hopefully it won’t take as long. The good thing is, moving forward, when I do these walks, I know a little more so it should make it a bit easier. I know how to pull the video easier as well.

Even with the practice of blogging, my writing is getting better (subjective!!!) and I am learning that I should probably download all the photos I want to use into a temp folder on my computer BEFORE I start typing, then I can insert photos as I go along….Otherwise I am putting photos in afterwards and spending more time than needed to adjust formatting.

OH YEAH! I was able to pass over some of my exercise powders (pre and post performance powder drinks) to my friend as well. So, that is a relief. I also started the paperwork process for the move back home. I hope this is smooth and I hope Tucker will be ok.

Tucker was sleeping with me this morning before writing this. He woke my ass up at 3:30 with an empty plate and snuggled in my arm until I woke. What a little sweetheart.