Post 86: Outing to the City

Let’s see…Tuesday, I popped off to Orange Theory fitness and had a good workout. Definitely felt like I could have pushed myself harder, but I had a lot of fun on the treadmill. Maybe because I am daydreaming at the same time, but goddamn, I love Orange Theory.

I followed my insane schedule on Tuesday, and while it helped curb snacking and shit, I felt so confined. So this weekend I am going to work on making it a bit more lax so I have some ability to be spontaneous. Plus, I have so much shit that I want to do….

  1. Work on the Artist’s Way workbook

  2. Write my book

  3. Do watercolor

  4. Do some inking

  5. Read like 8 books

  6. Study Japanese

  7. Study Mongolian (no clue why…..just super interested in the language)

  8. Sketch practice

  9. Youtube videos

I did do a little clean up on Tuesday and then Wednesday, Aki and I went to the Exploratorium in San Francisco. It was supposed to be ridiculously hot in Pleasant Hill, so we decided to go to the city where it was supposed to be cooler.

We were wrong.

But I am getting ahead of myself….first, I went to yoga in the morning. I have not been having much trouble waking up at 5 each morning so far. Maybe because I am having a hard stop of tv and shit….stretching, and a calming tea at around 9:30 so I am in bed by 10p.

Now, this particular class was comped to me because the teacher never showed up at the 6am for Monday and that was my last day to trial the classes. It seemed hotter than normal and one lady even commented afterwards….the instructor said it was no different….but lady and I agree it was hotter than normal. I was fucking sweating….

Like continuous faucet dripping off my face and arms. I was wet through. EVERYTHING was sopping wet. I do not normally sweat, so when I do, I am extremely happy. Now, through part of this, I did have to take a break as I almost threw up. I think it was because I had a heavy meat meal the night before.

OH!!! Also, I am doing pretty well with the circadian rhythm fasting. It works with my lifestyle and I can do this long term with no problem. Since that is the case, I am not going to push myself with the 16:8. The reason being is, I am looking for longevity and this works REALLY well with nutrition for being more active for me. for the 16:8, I feel I have to do some weird adjustments to when I can exercise to make sure I am getting in the food when I need it. The Circadian works for me, because I cut off my food intake in the evening and prevent myself from snacking. It is something that I can do relaxingly and keep long term. I just want to be healthy and get to a decent weight and be as active as I want to be.

I am also doing 100 days challenge of hackey sack. Not looking to win prizes….just looking for an activity that can keep me on my toes.

I did try to do a quick video ….impromptu, if you will….(lol)….but this over scheduling thing is annoying. Anyway, gonna work on that over the weekend. Maybe that is a cafe day or something.

ANYWHOOOO….Aki and I went over to the Exploratorium….let’s get back to that.

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I saw my reflection in the bart train window and thought that I should cut my hair or something….I should never EVER look at the bart window to see my reflection…..good god. In anycase, I do want some change, so I bought some hair dyes to see about getting some other color in there.

San Francisco was beautiful this day and a lovely walk. We did stop at Philz Coffee, but there was a long line, so we went to Starbucks on our way. We did hit up Philz on the way home for a Gingersnap tea….which was nothing short of amazing.

Passed the Google Street View car. Myself and some other person took a picture of it. Lol. There are cameras all over it. The poor bastards inside the car are probably tired of getting their picture taken…..but they did deck out the car, yo. It’s kinda cool.

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So here we are…..

There were some really cool things in the exploratorium. Aki did not seem super happy, but it was a combination of him being tired, shit ton of kids all over the place, and interest in that particular section. I don’t remember too much about the first part….engineering stuff I believe.

But then we got into the section talking about cells in the body and stuff. They had a baby jellyfish under a magnified glass. It was pretty trippy. They had some plant life and sea life. This one below was really cool as it looked like it had little plants coming off the little leaves.

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Before we went into the color section, we grabbed a bite to eat….2 hotdogs, a water, and an apple juice. For $28.00. FUCKING 28 DOLLARS. WHAT THE FUCK, YO!? I mean it was $30 per person to go in….I can understand that as there was A LOT to do there. It’s fucking huge. But for the shitty food….and it was shitty….seriously….WUT!?!?!?

We went up to another section after eating and Aki got a little more happy… was about maps and the geography of SF Bay Area. I got this view from the other side of the map area that I could get Coit Tower and the Trans-America building. Clear fucking day.

Went back downstairs to the color section. They had a monochromatic room. It was super trippy. It was seriously monochromatic. It is like all the color was sucked out. The first picture had a white light (I think it was a white light) that showed the room actually did have color… was so cool. One grumpy-ass kid came in and he was looking monochromatic, and still tripped me out!

It was not all pure science….it had functional art installations like this one and the moon. Of course the monochromatic room was an art installation, but they are all so amazing. This toothpick structure was pretty awesome and they were putting ping pong balls in it to travel down.

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This was a mirror or a screen that turned you into a piece of artwork. Really cool as well.

Aki really liked the moon installation. It was an art piece too. Basically, you got on a scale that would tell you how much you weighed on any of the planets or Earth’s moon. Oh yeah, in the map area upstairs, they had a clocks that were synced to how many hours in a day for each planet and Earth’s moon. That was neat.

They did have a social sciences space. It seemed very Social Justice Warrior-esque. I understand that it is made to make you think, but it seemed like there was a little tinge of “if you are white, you should feel guilty about that”. They had a section on trans folks and sports. Not touching that……I think it is dangerous to have trans men to women in competitive sports and it takes away from natural born women. There is not one argument that would change my mind. Not unless I see a good amount of trans men beating natural born men in competitive sports.

ANYWHOOO….in the store, we found these cards. We did not buy anything, but these were tempting. I may get these at a later date. I wonder if they have these for other cities. I wish they had one for Tokyo.

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I love these mechanical puppets. Apparently they are called “automata puppets”….I gotta remember that. I had to google it, because I spelled it wrong and had to figure out what I was trying to say.

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Anyway, I am sitting here waiting for my shit to arrive from the moving company…..41 fucking boxes. ugh. BUT! At least I can move forward with getting all my shit done and all that jazz. Woot.