Day 3: 2018 - a little more Review

I like that Mel is doing hers at the same time, because I found that when I was managing folks, it was not that they did not know what to do, but how to do it, or how to start….or even where to start

Also, her kid is adorable.

This is are some more in-depth answers about my 2018:

What are 3 good things that happened this year and how did they make you feel?

  1. All debt paid off

  2. Went to Italy with Mom

  3. Got to spend time with Nausicaa before she passed

What are 3 low points of this year and how did you handle them?

  1. Responsibility at work was declining due to upper level decisions being delayed

  2. Uncertainty about future - rollercoaster of “will I have to leave Japan? Can I stay?”

  3. Watching Nausicaa’s health deteriorate from afar

What is the big lesson you learned this year?

Definitely, protect yourself financially, and at the same time make sure you do that without sacrificing the people around you. Meaning that you should absolutely stand up for those around you when they cannot, because that is in your toolbox, that is what you know you are able to do. Continue to stand up for what is right regardless of any fear of possibility of being fired, because your own ethics are and will always be more important than money.

This was not something that was learned this year, but rather, enforced.

What did you do this year that you are proud of?

I asked more questions. This means that not only with my superiors and my peers to make sure I understand what is going on or what is being asked of me. Then I am not sitting wondering what I am supposed to do once I get into the nitty-gritty of the work. Of course asking questions during the work itself is not bad at all, but it is about anticipating and learning what may be asked in the future. So, that’s good.

Then there is the asking questions to those that report to me. I learned more about how to engage my staff to take care of their own issues instead of me handling the issues for them, when they are more than capable to do so. There are, of course, times when as a manager, I need to handle those issues. It’s through these questions that we can decipher which type of issue it is.

What are your hopes and dreams for the next year (2019)?

To discover what I really want to do with my life and career.