Day 4: 2019 Gauge - What I want to change

I had a little help with this one, thanks to Tucker.

So here we go:

My Body

I would like to improve flexibility. Along with this I really want to work on building a solid core. It’s about just doing the workouts! The same with art; in exercise, I think about it when I am out and excited to do it, but the moment I get home, I find something else to do. So, changing my mindset on this one for sure!

My Work/School

Since being laid off, this is a really good time for me to take time to consider what I really want to do. I am using 2019 as a discovery year. I am nervous about holding out…what if I pass on a good opportunity? I guess I am going to just have to trust myself.

My Money

I want to learn to be less impulsive (I’ve been doing a lot better on this since clearing out a lot of crap here) and more savvy with my money.

My Love Life

Well, I am headed back to the States, and Aki and I are going to have to learn how to live with each other again. I hope that goes well, because I know I have changed and I assume he has as well.

My Friendships

I would like to strengthen these before I leave Japan. It is so easy to just reach out now that there is Line and Messenger. :) Also, I am hoping YouTube helps too. :)

My Self-Worth

I am much better than what I was a year ago. I feel though, that I could change my laziness. I still feel I am being lazy. Lazy in terms of not leaving the apartment because it is a little chilly (the wind is blowing super hard today)….but I work on forcing myself out. I am nervous that I am not going to make the “right” choice. However, I do know that no matter what choice (as long as it does not intentionally hurt any one or any thing) will be the right choice. It is what you make of it.

What SCARES you?

I have spent a lot of my career making sure that I have a “Plan B”. I can anticipate the future for work and I am letting go of that for my life so I can really try to live in the moment. I know that having a job is safe, and it is quite normal for people to feel for you or offer help in getting another job. I have a little bit of a hard time explaining (yet sympathizing for their own situation) that I am not rushing into it yet. After seeing the US Government shut down and find out that 80% of Americans do not have a savings, I realize I am in a MUCH better position than I had been led to believe. So, I do not need to rush into another job. I can take time. Learn to be savvy with money, and still enjoy life.

What EXCITES you?

To be able, for the first time, to do what scares me and leave my life to the moment, if even for a few months. I know that I am going to be ok. I can try new things.

Bonus Question: Ask friend, family, etc. What is one thing that I could do to be a better person?

I asked this to my Mom and Husband and waiting for them to get back to me.

I find that when I declutter my finances and the things around me, all sorts of other things tend to declutter and I can think better. :) I am looking forward to the other 31 days of this!

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