Day 5: 2019 What Am I Going To Do About It?

There were a lot of things that really caught my attention on this particular day. Here are a few:

  • Endings can be exciting, because then there is a beginning right after.

  • Today has a tone of power. It is up to you to make the decision today that changes your life.

    • Start choosing the mindset you want to have because NOTHING is guaranteed.

  • Get rid of the old stories you have about yourself that limit you.

  • Look forward, always.

  • We are not guaranteed tomorrow or next year. You have the ability to make the most out of every day.

I find it comforting that Mel loses her train of thought and how she talks. As I am making YouTube videos, I am so similar. I somehow feel normal.

I really like the fact that she talks about how we all have stories that we still bring up. It is a storage of garbage, and these stories no longer serve you. You have opinions on what is possible that is based on things that happened in the past that are no longer relevant.

If you continue to think negative things, it will continue to have an impact on your life.

Mel also brought up some interesting topics on financials. Such as where she came from, and many people poo-poo her because she has money now. It seems that she has a similar background as I, so I feel I can look at her and know I can do it too. Mel suggests to make your own money. Though, not sure what I can sell. Lololol. I do want to write a book. One is a story, the other is a workbook. I will do that when I get back to California for sure. I have to clean up the place tho. :)

At This Point In Your Life You Are:

  • The most loved

  • The most hurt

  • The most experienced

  • The most Powerful

  • The most knowledgable

  • Etc….

Also, Micro-Exercising sounds intriguing.

Now it is time to identify the lessons learned in 2018 and start in a place of power for yourself.

One thing in 2018 that made you really proud

I am really proud of how I have grown in terms to working with my team and how I helped them build their growth and knowledge. I feel like I had an impact on their lives in a generally positive way, even though some of the information I had to give was critical. And each time I gave critical feedback, they took it to heart and really worked to improve.

Choose 1 thing that you want to improve in the major categories of your life

I REALLY want to improve on “going with the flow” and being less impulsive. The impulsiveness, I believe, comes from a place where I am not confident I will ever get the chance/opportunity/sale/etc. I want to trust that it is ok to pass things up. Relax and enjoy the journey right now. I can do that right now, and I should learn to take advantage of that and relax.

Focus on a THEME….not individual tasks

My Theme this year will be “In the Moment” and “Discovery”….but I would also add “Trust Yourself”

Think of what I can do to make a way forward on the themes


I like Mel’s idea of 5 minute Micro-exercise. Basically, just do an exercise for 5 min a day. Just one thing…like sit ups. It’s hard to out talk yourself with “I don’t have time”. Everyone has 5 min.


This is something that I am on my journey for. I am going to start this, by getting up at a morning schedule and treat every day as a work day, even though I do not have to go into the office. This way I am starting to build discipline within myself.


Be less impulsive with my money. I can do this every day.

Love Life

Not so much now, but when I go back home, have a date night with Aki at least once a week. This can be a walk in the evening, or just sit and chill. It would be nice to have a proper dinner together.


I want to take time to meet with people. But I think more so is to keep my phone away while I am out with my friends. I want to give them the full attention.


I would like to stretch and meditate more.

Here is the link to Mel’s Day 5 Video: Day 5 Video

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