Post 109: Front Porch and More Plants to Kill

Ok, let’s see….it’s been about 2 weeks since I wrote last. …after going to Sacramento. I can’t believe it has already been 2 weeks since going to Sacramento. Crazy. It feels like I bought the guitar waaaaay long ago and Sacramento was yesterday. Man, my inner clock is definitely not set right. I think we have Daylight savings coming up next week as well.

I am starting to feel more in the mood for exercise. I am going to work on changing my mind set on exercise and lear to enjoy it more … crave it rather than loath it. I am watching some good YouTube videos around it.

This week, Aki showed a video from 2 years ago, where Nausicaa was walking without a leash and meowing like crazy. Tucker came running in and was looking for her. This was in Aki’s room. Tucker never really goes in Aki’s room, even though it is the shortcut to get to the kitchen from the bedroom…he will go around into the front room to get into the kitchen. But because he heard Nau, he went into Aki’s room and just stayed there. He eventually stayed under Aki’s little game table waiting for Nausicaa to come back. My fucking heart died right there.


The weekend before last, I made a cake from scratch. It was fucking delicious. But I was too tired to make the butter cream. So, I froze the cake. Then last weekend I made the butter cream. Holy fucking shit, there is a LOT of butter in that. I get it…BUTTERcream….but DEAR GOD. So, then anytime I was eating it, all I could think is that I was eating a stick of butter. Urgh. Anyway, I bought gel coloring and tried mixing it. I got the base color to be a nice orangey-pink…..but then when I tried to do the “Flowers”…..LOLOLOLOL…..the colors did not seem to mix the same as watercolors or paints. I think what I may do, is make a cake or cupcakes (safer) and practice flowers and PAINT the food coloring on afterwards. LOL. WTF ever.

The lighting is awful in this picture, but honestly it really does not matter. I call these colors “bird shit” and “egg salad”.


One of the days this week, I woke up quite early, and decided that I would meditate. I usually do this laying down on the carpet, because I won’t fall asleep and it is more comfortable that sitting up….because I slouch if I do that. Anyway…..the cats were all about that.


Anyway, the week before last was so exhausting. There was so much preparing and organizing…on top of that, trying to pull together all this information from one of the releases we have was such a pain in the ass. I got the whole “I don’t know what I need to do….we need to catch up with Design”. This is TOTALLY FINE. I am all about that. Let’s get folks together and sort out what you need. So I set up a meeting. Then the SAME person that didn’t know…in the meeting to help unblock them doesn’t speak up and is now unsure why we have the meeting…..or is fine with the information they already had. Drives me up a wall. I like the foiks a whole lot….but with everything else going on, I just want to bang my head against a wall.

I eventually got everything else sorted and have just a little more to go for the next week. But we should be alright. I truly LOVE the people I work with. I am sure I get that way at times too. Just gotta let it happen, move on and upward.

I did get front porch furniture. It came early and Tucker helped Aki build them! 2 Chairs and one small table. My research did well. They are quite comfy and serve the exact purpose. I am typing this out as I sit on the furniture.

This morning, Aki and I went out to Home Depot and got a couple plants. Went to Safeway to get curry stuff, then went to Sloat Gardening over in Martinez and got a couple more plants. I hope I don’t kill these. They are hanging plants and one Lemon Cypress. I had to plant 2 of them in hanging pots.

When we got home, we moved the aloe into a much bigger pot and put it in the front. We moved the Hibiscus to the front, but found and ass-load of potato bugs under the pot. Fucking gross. We tried to move the Hydrangea, but we thought it was too heavy. Turns out, it rooted all the way to the actual ground under the pot. I heard a RIIIIIIIP…and we decided to leave it. Hopefully I did not kill it.

The first picture is the BEFORE the other 2 are the AFTER….kinda hard to tell the difference….but there are 5 hanging plants and a couple other floor plants.

Went on a long walk today and just saw some pretty flowers.

Before the walk, and when Aki and I were out, it was nice, because he mentioned that he kinda misses seasons. It was nice to hear that, because he seems to be getting used to the idea of moving out of California at some point. I am looking into places, but it has to have some sort of Japan town, or access to Japanese foods/items. It’s fine if we have to drive an hour or an hour and a half out for that.

In the meantime, he is also getting used to the idea or seeing the value of having the garage as a gym area. I think he just had to see that a majority of people in our subdivision don’t actually use their garage to store cars, but rather use it as a carpentry, gym, or storage place…..some are ridiculously stuffed with shit.

We watched the first OSU game of the season. It was weird with no crowd, but it was still awesome. We did win….but seeing it and hearing the “crowds”….and seeing people in big ol coats really brought that warm feeling deep inside that we used to have at the start of a season or new school year. I think that wherever we go….it should be a college town.

After Aki and I got back from shopping and as we are watching the game, Aki made Curry for tonight. It was such a wonderful feeling of the warmth of watching the game and him making food. Just the togetherness and spending that time. It was lovely. We also went on a walk before going to Sloat since it was not open yet. That was nice.

In the meantime, Aki and I are working on investments and retirement plans. We met with a retirement lady for his school….but I feel like she is trying to sell something to us. It was weird…..she reminded us that we don’t have the “normal” pension that people his age have….which makes me feel like she is setting up for a sale. I am not a fan of that. PLUS…nowadays, the idea of long-term employment is going by the wayside, so they need to update their systems to accommodate for that. I will do more research and return back to her and see what she says.

Until then, I am going to start spending more time training Nacho and getting him relaxed.

I think that’s it….that’s all I got. I am going to fucking chill now.

Emma KumakuraComment