Post 30: After the Jet Lag

It’s Wednesday here, almost a week since being back from Switzerland. I have gone to full on organization and cleaning mode. Partly, because I want to keep my art supplies together as best as possible. it is proving to be a slight pain in the ass, due to a messy, messy apartment that it leaves.


Over the weekend when I woke up early, I decided to start listing out everything that I needed to put together and do for the move, so I am not rushed. Though, I think today, I really need to double down on the apartment. Especially when I have to picture and measure everything out for the movers. I think the people surveying for the move will come round at the end of next week, so it gives me some time. But when I get home today (I am at the cafe), I am going to turn on some music (get some ginger ale) and crank away at cleaning. SERIOUSLY. I want to get it organized so then I can concentrate on doing some art (finally!).

Tucker is acting a little weird. Not super excited about that. He is not as freaky as he was the night before I left, but definitely he is having some problems. I am trying to keep an eye on him. I think he just needs to take a fat shit, to be honest.

I watched one of my favorite artists on Instagram Live. I decided to give Instagram live a try. But I really feel like I can’t do anything until I get my apartment in order. That is ok. I am using this time or disorganization to really test it out. Because I do not have any people following what I am doing, I can play around with it and make bigger mistakes. I say “bigger mistakes” as in not putting many people out by some of these technical issues I may run into. In the gaming industry, mobile in particular, it is easy to lose people by making your game difficult to get into (for example, having many clicks just to get to PLAY the game), or having a lot of bugs. So, while there is no audience, I can essentially Alpha test out the equipment and the flow of getting online. :)

I did start training for a full marathon. Though I have not picked which marathon I want to do. I am thinking January or February of 2020. In any case, I have made my training schedule for this month, and it is light because I want to make sure that I can do it and form a habit. I have also added in different types of training and running:

  • Fartlek (lol)

  • short 1 mile run to track pace and progress

  • Hill repeats

  • Stairs (when I can find them without putting people out)

  • plyometrics

  • Yoga

  • Interval training

  • Long runs

  • strength exercises

Next month may be small steps too as I prepare for the final move back and Aki will be here for 2 weeks, so I don’t want to take up too much time training, but I need some sanity and consistency as I move to this next phase of my life.

This week, I did take some time to walk around in the sun. I went on Sunday to Yanaka graveyards since it is quite beautiful. I was listening to “The Untethered Soul” on audio book. It is a good book, but can be a little intense and I feel like I need to have a lot of attention towards it. It is not one of those books that I can listen to in the background. I was also trying to make my way through to Kohnan Home Center to get a cat crate (which they did not have) by using google maps. At one part of the Audio Book it was talking about death. I thought how apropos.

But then in the Audio Book it said, “Just listen to what death is telling you…” and JUST at that point, Google Maps said “Turn Right”……I am still in the Graveyard, yo.


Anywhoo….I really want to ride into Shinjuku in the early, early morning when things are still in the middle of being cleaned. It is a little cold still for me to do the ride to Shinjuku in the morning, but the sun is up at like 4:30, and it is getting there. I DO need to get my tires pumped up. Maybe I will do that as a break today. I have to run into the bank tomorrow.

OH! I went into the Health Insurance company TJK yesterday and they made me angry. They told me that I had to turn in my current (non working) card to my office, and I said, no, they gave me an envelope to send back to TJK, but I am here now, so I can’t turn it in? (I understand it may be sent to a different department at a different location, but I KNOW I am not to send it back to the office….later when I checked the envelope, I was right). This lady said no and that I have to send it back to my office with some other paper work and only THEN can I try to apply for health insurance through TJK.

Now, I am like, fuck this….I will just chance not having insurance. She really was a bitch. I asked her to speak slowly, because she clearly did not speak English and was not about to try, but she kept talking fast and did not care if I understood or not. She….my friend…is a cunt. And TJK can go fuck itself.