Post 40: Final Prep and Family Outings

Holy balls it’s been a while since I have written anything on here. What, something like 3 weeks?! Anyway, I am just going to give a run down of what I have been up to and where I have been. I think in the next one, I am going to talk about what I have left to do in the coming weeks.

There are so many pictures that I have taken, that I figured it just best if I separate out the days….so the next ass-load of posts are about the days and what I did. …and all the pretty pictures I took, but here is the rough breakdown of each of the days.

Thursday, May 23rd.

Got my hair done.

Friday, May 24th.

Salvation Army came around to check out what they need to take and they took a couple items with them. :) Tucker came out to greet him and almost killed him as he just sat between the guys legs as he was investigating my crap.

I then just went walking around Shinjuku. I love the buildings.

I went to dinner with some friends at a cool little Izakaya.

Saturday, May 25th

Packed a box for my friend and organized a bunch of stuff. I then walked around the Imperial Palace.

Sunday, May 26th

Finished the organizing of my apartment before family gets here. I then walked all around the Takadanobaba area.

Monday, May 27th

Went to Chichibu to check out a museum of rocks that look like human faces. It was pretty awesome. Also, I went out with some ex-coworkers to a cool Izakaya.

Tuesday, May 28th

Picked up family at the airport. I went early so I can figure out where quarantine was and where the pet hotel was. I even made a reservation for Tucker.

Wednesday, May 29th

Went to Jimbocho, Pet Shrine, and the Go association building. It was pretty neat.

Thursday, May 30th

Yokosuka and Tokyo Tower

Friday, May 31st

Had a call with a game company (I have not heard back from them even as I write this….I am ok with that). We to the Konan home Center and walked around Oji

Saturday, June 1st

Went to Musashino-Sakai. We ended up ordering pizza in the evening. I started getting a cough in the evening.

Sunday, June 2nd

This is where I started to feel sick more. Went to Dr. Stretch together. Then we went to Odaiba.

Monday, June 3rd

Took Tucker to the vet…then we went to Kinugawa Onsen.

Tuesday, June 4th

Kinugawa Onsen and Edo Mura….I was Super sick at this point. Just coughing all the time.

Wednesday, June 5th

Kinugawa Onsen and Tobu World Square. It started raining. ….Still sick.

Thursday, June 6th

Picked up Tucker. They said that they put another cat in a cage near him and was hissing at Tucker. They said Tucker was nervous, so they asked if I would take him out. When Tucker saw me, his eyes lit up and gave me the biggest hug. After that, we decided to take it easy since I was so sick and trying to recover….we went to Kichijoji, Pancake House, and the Zoo in Inokashira-koen Zoo. We went for an early dinner at a yakitori Izakaya.

Friday, June 7th

Tried getting a hold of a recycle shop, but they never got back to me (even as I write this). We also went to Meiji Jingu and the Tocho Building.

Saturday, June 8th

We went to Yanaka and Ueno. Went walking a lot.

Sunday, June 9th

Went to Konan Home Center. My family got sick too. So….now we are all sick. It was weird, because the coughing would subside for a lot of the afternoon and then I would just relentlessly cough in the evening.

Monday, June 10th

We went to FlyStation in Saitama and did some indoor skydiving. THAT IS ONE OFF MY BUCKET LIST!!!! It was raining like crazy! When we got to the station we wanted to grab some food, so we noticed a department store….it turned out to be a mall! It was set up like the malls in the US! It was a shot of nostalgia. It was a relaxing and good time.

Tuesday, June 11th

When we got up, we watched “朝一” a morning TV show in Japan…and it showed the FlyStation we were at JUST THE DAY BEFORE! They interviewed the guy that was our instructor and the reporter went and did it in front of the camera.

We went around Shinjuku, got bus tickets for the next day, and walked around.

Wednesday, June 12th

My family was really sick so we just stayed in most of the morning. Then took the bus to Haneda. Dropped them off and then went home to chill. I fell asleep so fast that night.

Thursday, June 13th

Went to lunch with an ex-coworker and I am so stinkin’ happy for him as he is going to do a study abroad. He got the fucking COOLEST book. It is a collection of pictures that are super bizarre!

I then went to tea with another ex-coworker and had a lovely time. :)

Friday, June 14th

I went to the bank to transfer the last load of money. I then went to Shinjuku to get some office supplies and a book. I then rushed over to the other side of Shinjuku to have a lovely lunch with a couple of ex-coworkers. :)

I had gotten a tax sheet asking me to pay a ridiculous amount of money, so I contacted a CPA I had worked with in Japan. So, we will see how that works out. I am reading “I Can Teach You To Be Rich”….and it is really good timing.

Saturday, June 15th

Today….I went to have a breakfast with yet ANOTHER ex-coworker at our favorite place: Latte Graphic. I am so stinkin’ proud of her too!!!! She is super awesome.

Sunday, June 16th

Hot as fuck, but got some study done at the local Tully’s Coffee, went to Dr. Stretch, and then did some errands at Konan Home Center. I got a bunch of cat robot models. I am proud of myself.

I felt a little sick, well…nauseous so I went home and relaxed.

Monday, June 17th (Today)

I went to Takahatafudo Kongoji to see Ajisai. I saw a lot of flowers and I spent a lot of time at the top just enjoying the moment. I ended up going to a zoo and felt bad for some of the animals….there were too many in one enclosure in some cases…and the parrots looked sickly, but they were outside, which was good.

So there it is….that is alllllll I have been up to for the past 3 weeks. I will be posting individual days…it just takes forever to upload all these pictures.