Post 79: First few weeks back in the US

Ok, so I am super late in writing this. Like, REALLY super late. I should have written this WEEKS ago. It is July 23rd, and I am sitting in a hotel in Utah. The high level of everything is, I got back, and was overwhelmed by the amount of crap we had accumulated over the years in this small apartment, which is HUGE by California standards….so I started cleaning. I then got really sick…..then had a bunch of interviews…and hardly cleaned those days….and then back to cleaning. So far, I have made 4 trips to Goodwill, 1 trip to E-Waste center, and 2 trips to the library, all for donations. And COUNTLESS trips to the apartment recycling and garbage bin.

So that is the short story….here is the long story….

Tucker was happy to be in the bigger place. He loves looking at birds and squirrels on the window sill, along with just being able to see people walking around close up. He loves running around the “clean” apartment.

I mean, just look at that face!



I got myself sorted on Monday and got a new car on Tuesday. I did all the prep work by email from Japan, so I just had to go in and test drive it. I got a pretty decent price for it. :) I had to drive to Roseville for it though. Lol. The key to the internet thing, was that I knew what car I wanted. I knew because I had a forester before and I wanted the Sport one because of the safety features…..and the trim. Its fucking cool-ass trim, yo.

And then there is the apartment. It had so much clutter in it. I could hardly believe this much fit in the apartment. It is truly remarkable. I do have to say that this is the culmination of 10+ years of Aki and myself. I think that since we had to live separately due to work circumstances, that this allowed us to really figure what each other want to do personally… we are able to let go of a lot of this. I seriously want to make sure that I limit my clutter moving forward. I think I am in the right mindset to do that.

We had files and mail that went all the way back to 2006!!! 13 fucking years!!!!!

It’s been really overwhelming at times, but I am getting through it. I am almost done with the down stairs.

I keep meaning to take pictures of all the “before cleaning” times, but I keep forgetting and some of it is so embarrassing how much shit there is!

So far though, (thank god for the new vacuum cleaner…DYSON FTW!) I have cleaned out CD’s, DVD’s VHS, Most of my books, cat food area, tea area, living room, and part of the big book shelf. I have also cleaned out the downstairs bathroom, the closet under the steps, and the closet upstairs. I am almost done downstairs.

OH YEAH! Part way through the cleaning downstairs, JUST when I had an open area, I got a message that my air shipment was arriving… then shit got messed up again. I am trying to make sure I have as much straightened away before I get my ship shipment……there are 41 boxes in that one….I only had 10 in this past one!

Aki and I took some time out since he is in classes and I am cleaning (and going to OrangeTheory Fitness now…. LOVE that place), and found a Ramen shop…..but fuck me,…..the ramen is like $16. I mean, it was really good, but definitely not worth $16.

I did find a big bag of Pork Bone at the Japanese market… we will try to make our own. OH YEAH! and partly what I am doing, especially in the kitchen…is slowly replacing old things that we have. …like pots and pans…..toasters, etc. I am also getting rid of one-off items….basically items that only have one job, like a gyoza press (dumplings). We can do those by hand and we really do not save time with this press thing…it just takes up space. :)

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Pleasant Hill still has the Food trucks on Wednesday. Apparently, they moved the Farmer’s Market to Tuesday evenings in the same place. I am going to have to check it out. I think that is a good idea. I always have stuff going on in the morning on Saturday, so I miss it!

Walking around, it was such a pretty day and I really like how the apartment complex decorates with flowers.

I have been sleeping downstairs (still am) because Tucker and Chiyo are not acclimated to each other yet. More-so Chiyo then Tucker.

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Saw Jana and Marc for the first time in a very long time and we watched what we could of the fireworks on July 4th (see how long it’s been since needing to write this?!?!?!)

Also went to a new mall area, which is very nice in Concord. They even have a Barnes and Nobel (which I am extremely happy about)…..but this is the first time that I have encountered this sign. Just fucking wash your hands and don’t piss all over the seats…..I don’t care who uses it. Though, please notice, it does not say “don’t shoot up heroin”…which is good.

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Tucker still has some separation issues…..and likes to pee in his litter box any time I use the restroom. He has stopped doing it so much recently though.

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Tucker has become more of a lap cat though. And he still likes watching TV with us. <3 I think it is about this time that Chiyo started coming down the steps. Actually, we have been able to give them treats together in the same area. Chiyo still hisses at Tucker, but is getting better.

Whenever I am upstairs, Tucker goes to the gate, and Chiyo then bum-rushes the gate. Tuck just goes down the stairs a little and comes back up after a while.

WhenI was cleaning the upstairs closet, Tucker just full-on came across the gate. Chiyo hissed and backed off….so now we can start the next phase….letting Tucker upstairs with Chiyo, is not going to like this….but we gotta get this going. I am hoping in a few months, they will be able to sleep on the same bed without attacking each other.

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Aki and I saw a Poke place, so we decided to try it. It was in the mall,… it was as expected….meh. itsalright.

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Still having issues with leaving me alone. But that is ok, because he is adorable.

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There have been hot days, but nothing like Tokyo. We are able to keep the window open….with cat barrier, of course.

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And a picture of Tucker sleeping on his favorite toy. I should not that RIGHT after he woke up, Chiyo came down and rubbed her face all over his toy. Not only that, she slobbered all over it. It was soaking wet after…..Tucker looked so sad after that. So Aki and I move the toy to where Chiyo can’t get it, because it is Tucker’s. Poor little kitty.

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I did have one interview in San Jose with a really cool team. They ultimately decided that I did not have the experience they were looking for. No prob. Mainly because I did not like the location. I was there 2 hours early and saw 2 bikes get stolen and one person shooting up what I assume is heroine? I don’t know…it’s whatever drug one shoots with a needle. I did not feel safe.

The next day I went to SF for a lunch, but got the day wrong, so I walked around since it was a beautiful day….then went home…and went back the next day. Needless to say….3 days I did very little cleaning because I was so exhausted.

We fixed the cable and internet service, but now we have to wait for the box to come….to change everything out.

I started my training for the marathon, but found out that I can’t apply for the marathon until September. No probs. I will do that at the beginning of September, but I have started training. The OrangeTheory Fitness is setting me on the right path I believe. I am excited to go to classes, but I still find it awkward waiting for the class to start. There are a lot of people there with a friend….and I have run into some rude people, but mostly it is nice people with their friends. I like that they do not call you out to embarrass you. If they are correcting anything (especially in the floor area), they turn off the microphone and they have all been extremely kind to me. It did take a while to get used to what they were calling out for the rowers and the treadmills….but I got it. And if I need to turn it down, then I can without them yelling at me. It is all about personal accountability. I love that. They help guide and show the right way (right as in = not hurting yourself), and it is up to you to push yourself. I really appreciate OrangeTheory Fitness.

Okay, so this should do it for this blog. I will be getting my ass on a regular schedule from next week. This week, I am in Utah dealing with a storage unit. Which is what I am going to go out and do in a few min. :) I am also going to stop by some of my favorite stores while I am here. <3