Post 88: Setting up the Bookshelf

So, I moved more shit out of the way to prepare for the bookshelf…but here is what I started with

Then I went to go hang out with my friend and we had a yummy BLT+A sandwich at a local mall near her.

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When I got home the package had not arrived. After a while, I checked the tracking and found that it had been delivered…I found it at the bottom of the stairs….fuck those guys.

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The box was damaged, but luckily nothing inside was hurt. So, Aki was just coming home from work to be able to help me get these upstairs. However, we had to open it there at the bottom of the stairs and take it up to the apartment. It was hot out too. Almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Aki was sweating a lot. I was sweating a lot…

Built the shelves and before we put on the backing, Aki got really dizzy and almost fell over. I found out he had not eaten anything since the early morning. I was freaking out a little. He ate a little bit of food and said he felt like he would throw up if he ate more so he went to bed. I checked on him through the night to make sure he was breathing……..but he woke up the next morning looking and feeling much better. So that was relieving.

So, the bookshelf is now complete, I just had to screw in the backing, but I can’t lift the bookshelf myself. But right now, the apartment is DRIVING ME CRAZY… is so stuffed and cluttered!!!!! But this bookshelf should help.

Here is the view from entrance of the living room.

Here is the view from my desk.