Post 89: All furniture has been gotten and old shit removed!

Alright! So far, I have spent all of Sunday cleaning up the bedroom. it looks great with the exception of the fact that I have an ass-load of shoes and no where to put them all. Thank god I got rid of a lot of them. It’s crazy how many I have. But I am DETERMINED to wear them all. I’m planning on getting a shoe cabinet from….I like their furniture. Not excited about losing space….but I can deal with this.

I am challenging myself to not buy any more clothing for the year with the exception of sport socks. I already have way more sports clothing than I need. I guess the only other thing that I would be buying are jeans if I lose a lot of weight, but I should be good with my 10’s for a while. Even if they are a bit baggy….but I doubt that they would be too baggy. Don’t think that with the training I am doing, I am going to lose much size in the thighs.

The cleaning downstairs is going….little by little. But it is highly overwhelming. I am now taking it one box at a time and putting things away best I can.

I visited my buddy, and she made Aki and I these bad-ass nightlights. I am so fucking happy.

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Messy bedroom, but this is how Chiyo would wake Aki up.

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I got to hang out with a really awesome friend in Pacifica today! Pacifica is one of her favorite places. I think ultimately I am over California and just want something new….but this is new for her and she is loving it. I am so happy she is!!!

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I used a Japanese foot peel pack that takes 3-5 days to work…and it finally did! Peeling shit off mah feeeeet!

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I tried going to yoga on Monday morning, but the instructor did not show up again. Not sure what is going to happen to her….but this is 2 of 3 times not showing up. My guess is that she thought Monday was Labor Day. I went to Orange Theory instead to get my exercise on. Man, it was all about arms! But before all that, I was able to see the sunrise in so many colors!!!! So pretty!

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After OrangeTheory, I changed and had my breakfast. The Got Junk guys came around at about 10:45 (their window was 10:30-12:30) and worked pretty fast taking the BBQ grill, couch, coffee table, and side bench/storage unit thing. Here is what it looked like before.

I then set up the new couch! MORE SPACE!!!! Before and after.

I am already madly in love with this little couch. :) It is stiffer, but it is so nice to sit on and read. My back doesn’t hurt, and I can reach down and get my tea on the side table whenever I want without straining my armpits!

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Tucker does not give a shit.

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I went on a walk afterwards and got some pictures of some really pretty flowers. :)

I also went for a massage since I wanted to give myself a treat for the work I have been doing in the apartment. It seems to take forever. It was a lovely massage and felt so relaxed. The guy that gave me the massage asked if I was going to the gym (I don’t remember the exact words) and I said that I was training for a marathon and he was just like, “ahhh….that explains it, you are really strong). Yay! My workouts are paying off!

I have been finding myself getting lazy with inputting money. I think because there were a lot of things I needed to purchase for the apartment that I did not know that I needed. So, there is that. I have been diligent with putting in the food and checking weight. Though, I have been guesstimating on a bunch because I just don’t know what it is I am eating, especially if I am eating out. In any case, I will be doing my finances for September and keeping tabs on my trip into Canada and all that shit.

I have been wanting to write my book, but the cleaning and my desk being so inaccessible, have been making it really hard to do so. See….look at it:

So, box by box, I will be going through it. Though, I do need to go out and see my friend because she has a new puppy that I need to get to know so that when she is in hospital for bebe, I will watch the dog. I need a house key too.

I have found myself wanting to forego going to exercise because of lame excuse after lame excuse…and that I would be using my time to clean. But in reality, I would be partially using that time to clean and the other amount on a puzzle game. Let’s be real. So, I go anyway to the gym. As I should. Because that is something that I need to make sure I have time for. It is a priority for me.