Post 94: OH-Canada-OH-VT-ME-NH PART 2

I have WAAAAYYY too many pictures.

Also, I am finally finishing this part of the blog up about 2 months late. There has been so much that has happened in the past 2 months that I could not find any time to update the rest of this. But now that I am almost caught up, I will be able to….after I finish this.

So, this was in Vermont at a cute little cafe they had there.

The first full day in Vermont was rainy and really nice to chill, but the next day, we were going to head over to Maine. But before that, I wanted to go to the World’s Tallest Filing Cabinet. It was a surprise for mom.

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This thing just popped up next to some trees and a factory or something. It was not like there was a gift shop or anything like that. Just a slab of cement and these filing cabinets.

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Mom was not as excited as I was.

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Look at this fucking thing.

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Luckily there was a market across the street which was pretty cool. It, along with every other store had a shit-load of CBD stuff. Mom definitely does not like the CBD stuff. She mentioned it several times unprompted. Speaking of being on CBD, when we were trying to figure out where the door was to the co-op here, there was a lady sitting outside at one of the tables right outside a door that would not open. She just watched us….and when we just asked, where the entrance was, she made some weird remark about the doors we were trying to go in are not the entrance or some shit. Turns out later after we pull our stuff together to purchase something, that same lady was the cashier. My mom puts the basket up on the conveyor belt and the lady just blankly stares at my mom. My mom at this point, not noticing the solthly stare, is shuffling in her purse. Suddenly mom realizes there is silence and looks back at the lady then the basket. Then the lady again. And says “ did you want me to take the items out of the basket?”

The lady just said “yeah.” My mom, just replied, “Oh ok, you could have just said something.” The lady proceeded to then ask us if we were returning customers and have a membership card. Without hesitation my mouth just said, “Well, clearly we don’t if we didn’t even know we were supposed to take the items out of the basket. So no….no we are not.”

Lady knew I was being an asshole and she shut the hell up for the rest of the transaction. This likely proved my mom’s point with the whole CBD thing. Thanks, asshole lady.

Before leaving, we drove just a little down the street and parked at a park and walked over too Burlington. There was a cool park with some weird shit….like an old sundial or mini Stonehenge….or something.

Look at this amazing human. Just look at her.

She’s amazing.

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There was a detour at some point and we walked around a residential area.

There was this place called the Soda Factory, which used to be a soda company (clearly), but turned into artist studios and little shops. There was a little cafe called Tom Girl, and it was pretty damn good.

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Here is Tom Girl menu and insides.

On the way back, there were some really neat plants and shops supporting the art studios and selling their wares.

The sky was a perfect blue, and the walk was quite nice back through the New England residential area.

Almost to the car at this point….Mom is tired. So am I.

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The drive from Vermont to Maine….by the way, Vermont does not note on their exits WHAT restaurants are at major exits…so you don’t know if you are getting a Cracker Barrel or a wide variety of fast “food”.

At the AirBnb. They grow flowers and it was a really nice place. Left us these flowers…and made very clear no animals in the room….several times…in person and in writing.

They also have a bunch of chickens they call “the girls” too….as well as 2 cats and 2 dogs.

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Turns out they don’t actually grow the flowers…..yet.

Chickens were all dead.

Cats and dogs were alive……though they should change the pamphlet they had in their room….it’s about a year or so out of date.

After the AirBnb owners chatted at and with us for about 10 minutes (could have been longer), we went into Maine. We did end up staying parked in the same parking spot up to 4-5 hours…..we did not use the app which was good, because we were only supposed to stay in the spot for like 2 hours or something… It is a pretty area. We were told to go to “The Donut Hole” where they have potato donuts. However, there was a long line and we were not about to wait in a line to get a donut.

Went for a coffee here though. Not bad…..the bathroom key was excessively huge. How flattering that they think their bathroom key is worth stealing.

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Walked around town….some shady areas…but came across an art store that actually had Holbein products, but not the one that I really was interested in if they had: Oil Acrylics. Turns out they did have one set, but it was under the glass at the counter. Still an awesome art store.

They had an old school gumball machine in the art store too for some reason.

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They had some cool-ass paper (not ass-paper) here too. Not Sekaido, but definitely a cool place.

We passed a center area where there was someone playing….violin I think, of an old hymn that got mom choked up as it was some solid memories. She mentioned she gets choked up on some really old hymns. I love my mom.

We walked around a bunch and picked a place where we wanted to have lunch….because we should have lobster while we are here…..right?!

Kept going into Starbucks so I can use their toilet…..

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A bunch of stores had some really neat things. This was one of them. I just liked the quotes so I took pictures of them.

Went back to the place to get the lobster roll….and there was a couple talking loudly behind us. We enjoyed the lobster and found out that they only have a certain amount per day, so we got there with time to spare.

Also, I think the lady behind us was some sort of lawyer….”lawyer”.

It was pretty good. It was also pretty expensive.

Look at that face. Everything about it says that she is having a good time.

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But look at this lobster roll.

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Fucking LOOK. AT. IT.

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We decided to drive around to the coast area to walk around.

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We were on the lookout for a restroom because I had to PEE!!!!! After we found a porta-potty that was right out side the restroom building at the marina area….a restroom building that was CLOSED FOR THE SEASON….. we went walking along the coast on the sidewalk.

They had a train going from one end of the sidewalk to the other. It was kinda cute.

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Pretty flowers along the way

Got back to the AirBnb and decided to walk to see where we can eat.

Found a place……there was not that much around, but they were busy and told that they were backed up with orders. We still got our order out quickly and it was friggin’ delicious!

This is what the AirBnb looked like. It was a cute little studio that I would LOOOOOVE to have.

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We stopped here before going to another park area to walk around and then head over to New Hampshire. This was good coffee and a neat little atmosphere. Some dude came to play the mandolin….but we and a couple other folks were the only ones there….and it was a bigger cafe….so maybe he was just practicing?

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Found a little park and walked around. There was an older kid maybe sophomore or junior in high school…he would ride his bike, park it somewhere in the woods and pace back and forth while talking to himself. He was harmless, but I hope he was ok. Anyway, the scenery was quite beautiful. Nice running path too.

We got to the AirBnb in New Hampshire. They apparently had a festival or some shit not too far away, which is why there was a good amount of traffic in such a small area. But we got to the AirBnb, and found it was just a room in this holistic healer’s house. She had no locks on ANY of the doors. I am sure it is a safe are, but not having one on the front door is a little unnerving. This woman never replied to my questions on AirBnb and when I asked her in person, she got a little snotty with me like she already explained it. Turns out she sent my replies to her friend who was right there….what the fuck did her friend NOT tell her.

Anyway, we go in only to find that the rules are….to use rocks to leave the bathroom door open.

So, after everyone left, we went on a walk in the back as the owner encouraged. We found a beach then found a no-trespassing sign.

So back to the house we went. Looked at a garden.

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Looked a little closer at the garden.

Then went into town and ate. We got back early and the other people staying in the house with us in another room came home and we refused to leave our room to go to the restroom until they were in their room and not coming out.

We left stupid early, but the holistic owner swung open her downstairs door which was right by the front door, scaring the living shit out of us. She wanted us to stay for coffee, but we really did have a long drive ahead….and no…I do not want coffee with you, lady.

We headed out.

We went through NE to VT and down. But stopped off at several scenic points in the White Mountains, I think it was. So fucking beautiful. Maybe one more week after this and the colors would have been so brilliant!

A couple panoramas to check out:

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I think this was the second location. It was super cold. I think this is the one that had a little walk way. Mom went down it, but she said it smelled of piss.

Now I have to use the restroom again.

This stop, luckily, had a toilet. More of a hole in the ground….and now I am thinking of someone dumping a body in the toilet…..that I just went in. I left promptly, because that idea freaks me out.

The view was gorgeous outside of the toilet.

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That was our last scenic spot, but the whole drive was totally worth it all. Mom took so many pictures and videos.

Something like 11 hours, and we are back in Cleveland.

Picked up Berkeley. He was so tired all the time, but found some time to play….and his eye got better, but then looked like it got worse….then better. Well….you know the rest of the story. But here are some cute pictures of the little baby boy being loved.

Of course, if I am home, I will go to Hot Dog Heaven. This is a must. Always have 2 hot dogs with Stadium mustard, ketchup, and onions. The fries are pretty good too. Though, mom swears that they have changed.

Mom’s house with all the lovely plants. I remember when it was bare….now it is pretty cool.

More Berkeley. His eye was going funny again….and he slept a lot.

Little baby slept with me. He was so soft. He was so loved and I am glad we were able to give him the love he needed in his final days.

Mom’s plants are awesome.

We went to Mill Hollow a couple times while I was there. It is so pretty. I did a run the first time and scared the bejezus out of some dude.

Such a pretty place.

Picked up this asshole.

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He wants to eat my face.

Walked around between rain sessions of the downtown area of Amherst.

We went to Crocker Park for a lovely lunch. I think it was Brio? Lobster Bisque and a crab cake. Super awesome. Mom gave me an awesome gift of this necklace that has the phase of the moon that I was born under. I LOVE IT.

We then went over to Barnes and Nobel and chilled there. I love book stores. Then we went walking around. There was this cool succulent potted display in the outdoor section of Crocker Park where people can sit and have a coffee. Love these.

More Berkeley cuddling with his favorite person. He could feel the love. Exactly what he needed. Exactly what my mom needed too.

Tired little baby in the blanket his Auntie Jaime made for him.

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I fucking love hydrangeas….so here are some picks of those with some other flower that is super pretty.

At the airport waiting to go through security (I had like an hour before I should head through….so just hanging with mom).

I did learn some things though….I am a lot more anal than I thought I was. I also really like routine more than I thought. But one thing that I absolutely know….I prefer to leave early. I don’t like taking a long time to get ready….I prepare WELL in advance when I can. If I forget, I am a fucking nightmare…..I know that about myself. Sorry, mom. I love you tons.

Anyway, I got to the apartment and here is Tucker (Chiyo does this too) watching TV.

Got my hair cut and colored too. Nice to have it cut for sure.

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And Tucker back in his claimed spot. He was happy I was home.

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So, it is Dec. 4th right now. Literally over 2 months since this trip…actually since I arrived home. Here is what I have done since then:

  1. Started a new job

  2. Berkeley passed away. Probably had that syndrome where some kittens just can’t thrive, but we gave him a very comfortable ending.

  3. Made serious headway on my book

  4. Rented a house

  5. Moved into house.

It has been a very volatile 2 months of little to no routine. So, I am just starting to build it. I wanted to stay at home in the mornings, instead of going to SF super early. Turns out, I can take a bus to get to the BART at 8:07….and I have been able to get a seat on THAT bart train each time. So, that is a definite win…the shit one is getting home. The buses are only 1 an hour and the bart arrives about 10 min after it leaves. There is the number 18 bus, but it drops me off kinda far, so I have to walk in the dark. Once it gets less wet, I will take my bike.

Anyway, that is it…I will get caught up later next week with what is all happening now.