Post 93: OH-Canada-OH-VT-ME-NH PART 1

For the love of god….I have way too many pictures. I have been trying to put this together for so long. Even before I got back to California. It is currently my birthday now, and I am tired of putting this off. Well, it’s not so much putting it off as it is just purely overwhelming, the sheer amount of pictures and explanation. Though I did start a second part to this…. so here we go.

I honestly don’t remember why I took a picture of this water, other than misreading it….I forgot what I misread it as….

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Downtown Amherst is always quite nice to walk down during the day when it is quiet. I do miss it. Not enough to go back there to live. Only because there really isn’t anything there for me….as far as I know. Other than my most wonderful mom.

Because she is the bestest.

Mom, her dog Lulu, and myself went down to Mill Hollow to walk on the trails. I did a 30 min jog, which was awesome, but I almost scared the living daylights out of some dude.

Sorry, guy!

Out in front of mom’s house. The trees are changing color and it is breathtaking…especially with the deep blue sky.

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There is a little coffee shop called Arabica just down town that I adore. The flavored coffee is very much on the sweet side, but it’s got a nice little atmosphere. Though, when I went in the early morning as mom would get ready, there are a lot of older people just sitting around and I would get some stares. But I just keep on keeping on. I forgot what I looked like with the hair and the tattoos…but honestly, there were people that came in after me with funky hair and tattoos…I think it’s just people being people.

Mom’s dog really wants to be up front. ….no.

Saw a billboard that I made for my graduation party from my high-school days. Awwwww!

Mom’s cat, Pepper, being a total sweet heart. Super cuddly when she wants to be. She even made sweet, sweet love to my right leg.

On our way to Toronto.

Mom and I got irritated at each other here….but they gave me a bowl of gravy.



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Cool, ass sky.

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We ended up finding a kitten on the side of the road abandoned.

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A bunch of little kids were pulling at him, but we were able to wrestle him away and give him food and water. We took him back to the Air b-n-b (sorry guys!!), and I took him to the vet the next morning. As I posted before, he lived only a short while….until after I went back to California, but he was super loved the last portion of his little life. My mom was fucking heart-broken. But of ANYONE….she gave he the most serious love and I KNOW he knew it.

Cousin had her wedding and it was beautiful.

My beautiful mom and I. Same nose.

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The wedding area. It was a camp site.

Table decorations. The flowers were done by my Aunt, who can’t seem to accept compliments.

Neat-o lighting job.

First dance!

My mom, livin’ it up. I am the lazy fuck sitting down…..not doing the dancing thing….not my thang.

Live band was pretty good, but dude was turning down the mic when someone would sing with him.

This fucking kitten was adorable.

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He was so sleepy all the time. But he opened up to us. Got to stay warm his last few weeks.

Getting the fuck outta dodge.


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Oh yeah…I had to do a run to get cat supplies at the “local” Walmart. Local as in 30 fucking minutes away in the middle of nowhere.

Also, the people of Walmart is international.

Ok, so now we are leaving and dropped shit off at my Aunt’s house. We decided to take the kitten back to Ohio and then go back through Canada through Windsor (DON’T DO THAT). My friend Jamie and her family watched the kitten. Because Jamie is a badass! Love that woman.

He slept a lot.

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Aunt’s place is neat. Too many people around.

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Bye, Felicia.

So, by now, we got back to Amherst and slept. Then we dropped the kitten with Jamie, and headed out to Windsor. We wanted to go through Montreal to go to Vermont.


Scariest experience of our lives. After this sea of semi trucks, there were 2 douchebags in front of the sign that pointed the direction of where the cars were to go. Then got all pissy when we were heading in the wrong direction. They pointed us to the right way, and as we passed them, the sign that points us in the direction was covered BY THEM STANDING THERE. Fuck you, idiots.

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The night views were pretty….especially passing them up.

Stopped off for a bite at one of the cool rest stops. Really like those rest stops. I chose the “healthier” option. and it was pretty good.

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Scored a onsie at Target before going this round to Canada. We stayed at a hotel for $20 because I had points. Yay!

Pretty trip up the next morning. We decided to park just outside of the city and train in, because traffic in big cities can be shitty and parking is even shittier.

Sooooo….it was good we trained in, because there was some major construction that took major streets out of commission. Parking was clearly a bitch for folks. Still, cool buildings.

Da train.

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We decided to leave and we were relying on Google to get us to a bridge to the US….

In the middle of farmland….with nothing around.

This was supposedly the “duty free” shop. We were not sure if we were supposed to stop there and tell them we were going to cross the boarder. Not sure what the customs were in these parts.

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What is happening?!

Right, so we pulled up around a small corner and there was this massive amount of electronic equipment around and just 2 lanes. One for trucks and buses (WHY?!) and one for cars. There is not a goddamn person in sight….and we are at a red light.

Not a soul…..and they have us at a RED. LIGHT.

We get a green light and as we pull forward, we have our picture taken. I bet everyone’s picture is the same….confused faces. The guy was nice and I think he was bored. We handed over our passports. Our passports that has our pictures in it. He asks, “Which one of you is from Germany?”


Silence. He can clearly see by the picture WHO is from Germany. Mom and I just looked at each other and realized that she was BORN in Germany, but she is English. I just said, “Well, I was born in Indiana, but not coming from there.” and Mom followed suit with being BORN in Germany. She never got to the point where she said that she was English.

He thought my mom was German and that he recognized her accent because he has German relatives.

She’s English.

But ok….let’s not drag this out. But he was a sweet guy. And we moved on with our lives.

We finally made it to the AirBnB. Notice the placement of the mirror. Not really a short-person place.

The next morning, we walked over to the “town” and found a cute cafe. But the scenery on the way was really nice. Loved the houses. I believe it was South Essex, VT? The tree colors are so pretty.

AAAAHHHHH!!!!! The leaves are so pretty!!!!!!

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Hi mom!

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Just some pictures of houses along the way, before it rains like an asshole.

I could live here just for this cafe.

It was delicious and had cookies the size of your head….not face…HEAD.

And we bought one each. Clearly.

It started raining. It was the perfect time to be in a cafe.

We somehow made it back (walking ) to the AirBnb, and decided to just find a neat shopping mall and chill there. We would do the “surprise” the next day, since it was on the way, anyway. But let’s stop and look at the amazing color of these leaves!!

This was the Vermont-iest of malls apparently. There was a neat-o health food store. Mom got a bit ill here so we did decide to get a little food at a taco place (it was pretty good) and head back to the AirBnB to take a nap.

But before that…..more pretty plants with pretty colors.

Just some cool leaves by a pool of water as it’s raining.

The AirBnB had a cute little garden. :)