Post 92: Sweet Berkeley

I do have another blog post that is to cover the whole trip from Ohio to Canada to the New England area….however, that will still take some time, as there are a lot of pictures. Before that though, I wanted to dedicate a post to a very sweet kitten that we took in and he touched our lives very deeply despite the short time he was on this Earth. We called him Berkeley, or B, or Bertie.

We found him on the side of the road when it was pitch black out all alone and scared. He was so hungry and he slept a lot. He slept most of the time he was at our home in Ohio. He quickly learned to trust us and cuddle with us, especially mom. He would look into your eyes as he snuggled. He would follow you into the restroom and would stop right in front of your feet. He frequently did this. Though, when you go into the bedroom and he was in the bathroom….he would make eye contact, shoot his tail straight in the air and run after you.

He had the cutest stubby paws and little meatballs.

However, nature had a different plan for him. He was a very sick baby. Mom took him to the emergency vet on Monday evening, October 7th. He would have been almost 7 weeks, as we calculated he was born around August 20th. He little body was just not ready for a full life. He passed away peacefully and with no pain. I believe our kitties will greet him with tails in the air, head butts, and body rubs. They’ll be kind and show him the ropes.

My mom deserves some serious props. SERIOUS PROPS for the immediate and unconditional love and the many, MANY tears she shed to Bertie. I love you both forever and always.