Post 96: It's been a while!

I am terrible at this. Lol.

I have actually had ample time to do this, but just haven’t. It’s daunting to think that I have all these pictures that I want to put up, having gone and come back from Australia. There are SO many pictures. AND I am about to head out to NYC. I think a big part of it, is I feel the need to have pictures every time I put up a blog. So, I am going to break that from here on…..that thought really destroys the purpose of me having this….

Since the last time I wrote, I had gone to Australia (will put in a couple posts since there are so many pictures), ran a half marathon in Tasmania, came back on got laid off work the same week I came back. Good times.

I will say, regarding being let go, we all knew something was going to happen, but it was really sloppily handled in terms of communication. We were told, I believe it was Thursday…yes….because we were all given Friday “off” for those who had to clean up shit. But we all found out on Wednesday when an announcement went out that conveniently left out our studio’s name, but kept the other two. Then a few hours later, a couple articles came out that specifically noted that our studio was not on the list to be acquired….so we all knew the day before.

I’ve been through these layoffs LOADS of times, both surviving and being let go. Along with a full studio closure. It’s not new. It’s the game industry. That’s what you need to expect. That being said, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up. And honestly, there were so many things that I would need to fix, but really could not move forward when the whole sale was going through. I was a bit relieved when it happened. Mainly, because a decision was made and now I have an idea of what direction to head in.

They did have a career fair and I had already reached out to my old company. I did the interview and will be starting work with them at the end of March AFTER the severance is given. yay.

Let’s see….I have been going to Club Pilates and exercising more, which is really nice.

Because of the corona virus bullshit, I have decided to take a vacation to NYC, instead of London or Berlin (slightly bummed about that….since I actually have to time and $$ to do so)….I would have chosen Japan…..but Corona Virus.

So, now, I am just trying to figure out what to do with my time. I have paused on writing my book, only because I am trying to get my priorities straight as I work through this lull time.

Ok, so, I will be posting the pictures for Australia in my timeline at some point…..followed by NYC photos when I get the chance. That being said, I should still be posting blogs so I know what I have done and where I have been

Emma KumakuraComment