Post 97: Corona Virus updates

We are in the second week of Shelter in Place here for the Corona Virus. I am supposed to start work next Monday, but because there are a bunch of selfish little bastards out there, this may end up getting pushed out and putting A LOT of individuals at risk.

That being said, I have not published all my shit for the Australia trip and my NYC trip. I will be publishing those soon. I have been now getting back on track with some scheduling changes and getting onto a better rhythm.

I’ll be honest….I was really looking forward to getting into an office and the commute and getting back onto a cycle. I understand that this is not the time to do that, as we may risk a lot of unnecessary deaths and economic harm. I have no problem pushing aside commute and first world problems for the sake of the many….it’s a no-brainer.

I think if anything, I get disappointed in humanity. Not just the spoiled brats that want “but, mah spring break!” but overall….everything. When I was in NY, I had a good amount of time in the hotel room, and decided to watch some TV. I don’t know if it is experience or that I have been away from TV for so long….but EVERYTHING seems so fabricated. The news anchors yell, despite having a microphone, and the commercials…holy shit….the acting is horrible, and I can imagine how that marketing conversation went.

Then I see videos of people intentionally TRYING to spread the corona virus. Whether that is true or not, there ARE those types of people. Now, I am not the most socially-participating individual, but for fuck sake…..I am NOT going to do anything intentional to hurt any one else. As a manager, I try to put myself in the position of others to see if I can understand their point of view to help come up with better communications or resolutions. But in the case of these individuals TRYING to hurt others, I cannot simply even fathom their mindset. It’s like they are not even part of the same species.

Anyway, my new employers will be in touch with me to figure out next steps. I am looking forward to it. But all the same, I will make the best out of the days we have. One thing is, minimalism my art shit by using it.

I think that if anything, this experience has taught me that I need to USE what I have. I have had this horrible habit (that is actually helping me health-wise) of collecting shit and not using it, because if I use it then it will no longer be available….like if I got it in Japan…..but the fact is, there will be available other things…or Now, how this is helping me in health…my problem is that I bored-eat. Because I have this conflicting need to hoard what I have and not use it…or use it minimally….I do this with food. I use it minimally because I am not sure when I will have more. Granted, the grocery stores have been stocked, so there is no worry. But it is also putting me in the mood to be experimental with what I make.

So, I am making the best of it. Especially, now that I don’t have to feel guilty for doing “frivolous” things like reading or painting. I can just do things that I want to do without any reason. I would like to continue this after the lock down. I think this have given me that perspective. The perspective that I do NOT have to be productive ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

That being said, I have to clean the house and go through my clothing. I will post Australia and NYC stuff this week. I have it on my calendar and am trying to follow it.

Emma KumakuraComment