Day 8: Limiting Beliefs

This one was interesting as well. The main theme was: You can either repeat or evolve.

What we want to do is train the deliberate mode.

Do right now: Write down what your limiting belief is.

Really thinking on it, my limiting belief is that I am not good enough or I won’t be good at.

The first step is identifying what your limiting belief is (congrats! you found it!)

Now, we need to identify WHY you want to get rid of it. Really, what is the cost of repeating this belief? Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. What is this limiting belief cost me in my past

It has stopped me from having stronger negotiations in salary and job responsibilities. Allowed me the luxury to be a victim if I wanted to, and take the easy route.

2. What is it costing me right now?

It is allowing me to just dream about things that I want to do, instead of actually taking the steps to do it. A good example is instagram. I want to do more watercolor and pencil work, so I procrastinate by collecting reference images that I hardly ever look at…I convince myself that I am “preparing”.

3. If I do not get deliberate, what is it going to cost me in the future? (remember, you choose to do this).

It will cost me everything that I could be and do. It will cost me emotionally and financially. Emotionally to protect myself when I negotiate salary, or when I negotiate my worth as an artist or a contractor or consultant.

If I do not fix this, I will never be present or successful.

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