Post 107: Weekly Small Tasks

Since we got the ceiling all fixed up, I decided to rearrange the furniture around to make the cafe area a bit more comfortable. Now, I have the couch close to the table. I was worried that the cats would not be able to access the window easily. I was wrong.


I need to clean up the room a bit, but I have a good amount of area to do some needle work, or whatever. I absolutely adore the area. Chiyo will come over and snuggle with me as I am watching YouTube and doing some needle paining. I secretly love it when she does that.


Ironically (is it tho?), I am doing a needle painting of Chiyo as my first practice. I did the pattern printing from my printer after following instructions from I fucking love her channel. Super inspiring work.

Aki and I went out on Friday (October 2nd)….I took the day off and we just walked around a little shopping area. The air quality was shit, but we enjoyed ourselves. He got really tired because he was waking up throughout the night . We saw some beautiful Hibiscus plants as we were walking.


I dropped him off back home and I went out to go and start a new hobby. I went and got a Classical Guitar. Last time I bought a guitar, I did not realize that Acoustic and Classical were two different types of guitars. I did not know at that time, that what I wanted to learn was called “finger picking”….so when I was looking for a guitar back in Utah, they just directed me to the Acoustics. I went for lessons, but the lady was more of a rocker, and did not know really how to play classical, though she did do the finger picking. She tried to convince me that that is not what I wanted to learn and I should learn chords.

I did not want to learn chords. Sure… I will at some point, but I want to fucking learn finger picking. I want to use sheet music. When they give me some random fucking chord, it makes not sense or connection to me as to what I am playing….I want to know what notes are on the strings. THEN chords will make sense. I have just been doing it for 2 days, and ALREADY it is making sense, and I am having fun learning. It feels so nice to look and read notes again. I am looking forward to learning more. Little by little. :) I really love it so far.

One other hobby that I am taking slow is building a 3D version of Howl’s Moving Castle. Just got some stuff in, but figured that I should pop over to Home Depot to pick up proper strong glue. I was there last week twice, too. They were decked out in Halloween. Not ONE WEEK LATER:


No Halloween shit ANYWHERE!!!!

Meanwhile, Tucker is getting all up in my business.


As I was organizing all my shit, I put some sheet music I found online (which is a WAY better resource than what I bought at the record store…. fucking GIANT shout out to Bradford Werner at for the free downloads. After I make it through this giant-ass document, I am going to be signing up for whatever you are teaching) the cats, who have a BILLION choices on where they can sit and chill, have decided to put their butt-hole stamp of approval on it. Thanks, you two.

One of the (actually the first) of the small daily tasks to help lead me to guilt-free spending of my time, is to use the flower pots of the plants I unintentionally killed and make arrangements. Instead of making each flower on my own, which I was making it more difficult than necessary, I just bought some plastic flowers. I wanted my cafe area to be autumn-feeling. I am very happy at how it turned out

Though, I do need to clean the area up a bit. It is getting quite stuffy.

Every morning, Aki has started his own project of going outside and digging up the raise garden. We have had some hit and miss of growing veggies. Tons of cucumbers and tomatoes, but the melons were doing well, then all of a sudden took a shit. I think we have animals and bugs getting to it. Plus the soil is not the best in the least. There are a shit ton of rocks and roots. I am so surprised how many stones are in there. I am glad Aki is getting out and getting some exercise too. He just got some boots in that seem to make it easier for him.

Also, today is October 4th….18 year anniversary for us. Can hardly believe it.

Oh, also….this week I am going to give myself more time in the mornings on most days to do what I want….and exercise 3-4 times a week. Longer exercise on the weekend and a couple days of like 30 min. Off days, still eat well, but do MORE of the hobby shit. :) Practice guitar, that kind of thing. It’s cool if it does not turn out awesome…..but I am putting my time into discovery. I like that.

Emma KumakuraComment