Post 101: Middle of August Already?!

Holy baby Jesus….I can’t believe this year is turning out to what it is. First off, it is a nasty 104 degrees outside.

There is a whole shitload of things that I should be doing or that I COULD do….but here I am procrastinating by writing in my blog. To be truthful, though, I do want to write more in the blog anyway. I think my headspace is in a pretty decent spot.

I have been eating decently…kinda like the French. I am listening to “French Women Don’t Get Fat” and they have some good recipes in there. I am NOT a cheese or yogurt person, so some I will push back on. I do want to try and drink a little wine with dinner for the health reasons….but I am not the best with bitter things, so I will start with just a tiny bit. I think it is good I don’t like bitter shit, so then I don’t get attached to it.

I do like having a lighter French- type breakfast. Seed toast with a little butter and my plumb jam.

Because of the whole Covid thing, we really are not going out anywhere. Part of me is excited to go into the office and part of me will miss the ability to make nice dinners…BUT I know that I will be having smaller dinners anyway during the week and the weekends I can make some lovely dinners. I am looking forward to going to Germany and Amsterdam at some point in the next year. That and back to Japan. I think there are a load of other places that I would like to go.

Oh yeah, so about the being home all the time. I do find myself exercising almost every morning and not sweating it on days that I either need a break due to sore muscles or feeling sick and needing the body to take any strength it has to recover. I have my Chloe Ting workouts and if I miss a day…..oh well…I miss a day….move along. THAT alone has helped me not feel like I have failed. I feel like I can jump back in at any time and while I may be a little weaker, I still show up and that is what it is all about.

During the time at home, I wanted to make some lunches of shish kababs…. and made too many. It was still pretty good. :) I got to learn the grill too.


Tucker was feeling a little sick now and again, but he is getting better. Here he just wanted to sleep, but it was too bright and blepped. He had some constipation and the vet, while he is good, he is a bit…uh…tedious. He clearly does not like to be talked over….which is fine….but the dude just keeps going on and on and on. At one point, we were running out of Cisapride (medication to help the cat shit soft serve). I called to let them know in the morning. In the evening, I was feeling ill, so I took a cap of NyQuil and went to bed at 7pm. At 8:45 pm, the vet calls and goes on and on about the intestinal tract. I asked him if we would need to continue Cisapride…this is a yes-no question. He goes on for 3 more min. about intestines. I am still fucking high as a kite on NyQuil. I have him on speaker hoping to God my husband is picking up what he is saying, because I am lost trying to find the answer to the yes-no question.


Mom and I have been doing a tea/coffee time video chat now and again when she does not have work over the weekend. It is alway wonderful to catch up with her. She keeps touching buttons on the phone and it always seems to be dangerously low on battery life.

I can’t wait for her to visit and see our place! I want to take her to Germany too. Hopefully next year we can wing it!

Husband has been sick often. I think it may have to do with the weather being so volatile. Plus, he does not get out much. He is pretty strict (very by-the-book type of person) about following Covid rules. He gets made when I speak to a person like a cashier without a plate glass between us. I totally get it. We wear masks and just try to get in and out of places quickly. Anyway, he sleeps a lot on the weekends and Chiyo is there to hold him down and make sure he is safe. She is his nurse. She takes her job seriously. It was so cute, because right before this picture, she had her chin rested like this, but facing forward looking at him. <3 so fucking cute.


So, we had an ass-load of cucumbers from one plant. I could hardly believe so many came from one plant. And we have tons of tomatoes too. Looks like the cantaloupe is growing too. We have cantaloupe and watermelon. I hope to god Jana likes cantaloupe. Imma have a lot of that. Looks like cantaloupe juice in the mornings instead of orange juice. Holy shit.


Finally, I am getting close to doing the second clean up (or finishing of shit I have started) which is the Italy ink. I wanted to do something different though, so I did this piece. I kinda liked the process….so I will be doing more. I think this week though, I may try and finish up the egg sandwich one I have.

Anyway, this has been fun. I think I got really exhausted with my blog when I had so many fucking pictures. I LOVE the pictures. Don’t get me wrong. I really do. It’s just that it takes so long….I really need to dedicate time to putting it all together.

This has been fun. I feel pretty good….overwhelmed at times, but good. :)

Emma KumakuraComment